So much for being married.....My husband that I loved so much left me for an 18 year old little girl....he's 29, his son is only 7 years younger than his new fling! Crazy right??? Needless to say my life as I knew it will never be the same again! Any advice on how to get over a ten year relationship would be very much appreciated.
Sorry to hear that story. I can't really say much given the longest relationship that I've lost was three years long. It doesn't really compare to ten. I guess the only thing that really can be said is to recognize that it totally sucks but that it doesn't sound like you're the one with the issues here. If he left you for an 18 year-old, he's has somethings tat he needs to work through. Unfortunately, you get hurt in the process. Be strong. I hope you come out better for it on the other side of the pain.
wow, thats rough
you're certainly better off without him
it will take time to heal from all that without a doubt
just stay strong and vent here whenever you feel the need