I had pop rocks about an hour ago. They are weird as shit, and I got a little upset that I spent 43 cents on sugar, but feeling like there was an explosion in my throat was worth it. And I got to thinking if they would enhance a bj. Hmm.
I also picked out an $1800 tv online last night, and went to circuit...
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If you do Video Games that 3K TV might add meaning to your life!

be well

Alkaline Trio, Beer, and Loneliness...

Just like the old days... whatever
Hope al is well - go easy on that loneliness but have a beer for me!

be well,

Our weekend starts on Wednesday, and needless to say the first part of the weekend was a tad boring to some, but a normal everyday love-fest for me and mine.
Friday night we ordered a pizza and I just had to sit here 3 minutes to remember that. And I bought a new video game, which I returned today thanks to GameStop's lax 7 day...
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My subscription runs up in March, which pretty much means any day now.

And It's pouring. I'm sick.

Just give me medicine.
Prescribe me anything.
Just knock me out...
Showered, and fed, I'm home from the show. Against Me! at the 40 watt. Fucking great. Played some new ones, and some old ones. 99% sure I saw Heather Hannoura there, and if you don't know who that is, than I dont care about you. Was offered to smoke a bowl. Turned it down. Still ate taco bell like I was higher than a fucking...
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Today marked the third day in succession that I awakened before 9 pm. This was most unfortunate considering I had no reason to be awake this early on these days, except for church on Sunday, which I mostly attended to dress up and get a free meal. The church I attended was my brothers and the entire congregation consists of roughly 30 people, half of...
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So currently I am fascinated with:

Honey Mustard Pringles
Unexpected Boob pictures on my camera
New riff
Miss Lahein Macenzh Millah
the show was awesome! you should have gone. although i did not care for mastodon so much. i had never heard them before so... but priestess and converge rocked! you miss out for sure. how are you?
Just a note on something I noticed that got me thinking. When posting a blog, or comment, or email, or text, or blah blah blah, never precede your message with "I'm drunk." The whole I'm drunk so dont take what I say too serious because usually I wouldnt talk like this act is appalling. After this "confession of intoxication," there is sure to be 1...
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i agree. but that isnt going to stop anyone. everyone likes to drunk dial people. in fact i know some people who have a group of friends set aside mostly for drunk dialing... i think it can be quite entertianing. biggrin have a good day!
I'd love to say that I've been far too busy to even stop for a minute and post something on here, but that is a complete and utter lie. At this point, this had merely become a soapbox for me. Plus, I like to add to the lure of the internet, in which you can keep up with acquaintances through the vast amount of information...
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So This should be the time where I tell you what I got for christmas, and alas, it is.
Toof Brush (as if I brush my teeth)
3 days home with my family

No matter what I get for christmas, I always feel let down after I'm done opening gifts. I just miss being excited about that one toy...
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