Hey Look.... its me. Crazy, I know.

I feel like I have done so much growing up in the last 7 months. It is fucking incredible, even if it is not good. I guess the one complaint that I have to share is this. So I met a girl a year ago. She was beautiful and captivating. We went out twice, because she was sneaking...
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OK, Starting of 2006 right. My resolutions are as follows.

1) Ask and receive a raise at work.
2) Stop being single, and date people who take advantage of me being nice.
3) Go to New York to vacation.
4) Quit smoking.
5) Finish writing and recording the Captain record.
6) Try to figure out this Pilaties dvd someone gave me as a joke gift....
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hey, happy fucken birthday!!
k, bye

happy birthday!!!!!!
kiss kiss kiss
I grew a massive beard, but then I went to see Little Wings yesterday and saw all the bearded hippies there and promptly shaved it off. That show sucked balls. It felt like I was watching the Dave Matthews Band or The Greatful Dead. I was dissapointed.

Yesterday, Jairo and I went to buy a cup of tea and there was a three year old...
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I have been sick for the last three days. I fucking hate that feeling, I had a rough night so I stayed home today. Work was good about it. I woke up and read through most of the day drifting in and out of sleep. I finished reading The Pleasure of my Company. It left me feeling lonley but hopeful at the same time. The...
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1) They started to finish my tattoo's on Saturday. The situation it left me with is this. I have hairy arms, not that bad, but obvious to see. So they shave my arm down to my wrist. I have hairy hands as well. So I have a semi bald arm but didnt shave my hand, because I can wear a longsleeve shirt and nobody can...
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So, I am sure a brief update is due.

1) My grandmother passed away. I flew out to Texas to help my dad. I loved my grandparents a lot. It made me re-evaluate a lot of my life, and see the positive aspects of myself because of what I learned from them and my father.

2) Pretty sure that things have all but crumbled with...
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I am just sick of head games. Part of me says all girls do that, but I dont except that answer. Someone somewhere keeps those true ideologies of what love and relationships are, and wont compromise them. I will comprimise most of my idioligies, but not that.
not all girls play head games...but most. i dont understand why everyone just cant act on what they feel when they feel it...i've been contemplating this for years and have yet to solve it. sorry i couldn't give you something better blush
I cannot say much about this project, but my roommate and have just begun pre production for the best movie in history. It is called Party Academy. This is not a parady movie of 80's Screwball comedies. This is a period piece, set in 1984, a screwball comedy to end all screwball comedies. People will look back at the 80's and see our cinema and...
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Well, well, well,

Last weekend I went to the Tattoo expo in Pamona, and it was pretty lame. I thought it would be cooler, but nope. Glad that is out of my system.

Took my dad to see Wedding Crashers as well. Great throwback to movies like Bachelor Party, I was so sick of American Pie screwball comedies, it was time to get back to...
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" and you wagered.... " suck it Trebeck . " "

So much has changed since June. I am now a grandfather of four, grew a moustache, and retired to the hills. I did in fact grow a moustache.

I flew my mom out here for July 4th weekend. I took some extra time off to hang with her. At first I was not in...
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ill take "anal bum cover" for 500 please....
p.s jumps up and down, trying not to act too excited...thank you for updating.
Well, it would seem as though my roommate has left for a couple of weeks, and instead of being out, I am home sick. I even called into work, I never take sick days, but today was bad. I slept and watched movies and slept through them, although I didnt fall asleep through Magnolia. I thought that was a no brainer. Anyway, I am sweating...
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