spent the wekeend in denver - i'll paint some brushstrokes for yah..


flights were easy. burbank = fast and simple.
depeche was fun..i loved the version of 'everything counts'
front 242 was sitting in front of me. literally. that was kind of funny since i just saw them on wednesday..heh.
did a tour of a candy factory and coors. that was great.
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Either Friday or Sunday works for me; let's see what T has to say.

I'll bug him again tomorrow.
The joint opens at 3PM on Sunday and, if you've never been, is easily worth the drive. Would that time work for you? Let me and / or Ant know, por favor.

Here's a handy link with their hours and address and such.
going away this weekend to denver.
i am going to see dm friday night, and then hang for the weekend. not sure how that will go - i'm kind of in the doldrums with my gf right now. we shall see..

hope everyone has a great weekend..

have fun this weekend, hon.

Doldrums are part of the cycle, but never fun despite their inevitability. Good luck with that.

Denver - where I used to live, and have visited several times since - is a good cure for the blahs, at least if you like snow and mountains as much as I do. Enjoy and give me a ring when you get back - maybe you and Anticus and I can get a drink and hang out a bit here on the Westside.

Here's to safe travels, mate.

this should be an interesting week:
depeche mode on friday in denver..maybe front 242 on thursday night in hollywood.
two bands, twice the fun, different time zones.
kinda makes you want to chew doublemint gum, no?

lame. heh.

the Mode will come to LA for about 8 weeks worth of dates. go to front 242

blah, blah. thats how feel. just blah.
bored also. maybe even a bit frustrated.

i played around with some music this weekend. did i write something? no, it was literally -playing- but it was enjoyable. did some errands..got a hair-cut.
erm, got a new jacket and some jeans.
put a lamp up over my studio so i can see more than the blinking lights. started...
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let's go to karaoke. sometime. hahahahaha. i LOVE karaoke.

okay, so did you see my last comment or no?

i was making it and then you made one in my journal and then i came back here and it was all different


i can't ask natasha for your # because that is bad stripper etiquette. duh. it's like, "oh, can i have your client's number so i can have their business instead of you and your girlfriend?"

um, no.
happy hallowe'en everyone! skull

not much to report. still tired from the marathon at work last week. just saw the teaser trailer today - and well - there it is. have fun at harry potter watchin' it.

"They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way."

roger that, oh big one. [rummaging]
now where is...
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Thanks for the "get well soon".

What's up, yo?

I just got back in town. I decided to head down south for the weekend, since no contacts+no makeup= no work. It was good but I am feeling a little spacey and like I have to reconnect with my real life.

I may go to work tonight...Who knows.

I would call you but I just realized I don't have yr #...


trust me i am with you on the honesty tip. even in my open, long distance semblance of a relationship there are still honesty issues.

i am about to take a shower, go meet Mae for a drink, and then go to work. (The vacation was paid for, but I still didn't make any $$ this weekend).

take care, chou chou.

see you soon?
can you imagine what it would be like to have something work for a change? like - the first time?

its been a while. usually its all about the configuring and re-tweaking and duct tape. sometimes i feel like macgyver [yeah thats my spelling - deal with it] and other times more like that hacker guy in the movie hackers - yeah - that one....
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oh hon i am sorry you are becoming bitter and disillusioned with being a superhero. it happens to the best of us. otherwise there would be no story.

Dude, great party! I liked your neighbors and friends - very fun, cool people. Just my speed.

Gracias. smile

energy spontaneously disperses from being localized to becoming spread out if it is not hindered from doing so.
i need a personal trainer.

so what the heck am i going to be for halloween?


ah. the old standby... arrgh.

of course he looks nothing like you. that's why it's funny.
hey wait... I also worked till 2am and it sucked!

I was also fighting evil!

we have so much in common!
hey there! hello all and those who come to visit from time to time. these journal updates have been infrequent..

so what to share today?

1. depeche mode is coming to town, and unlike santa clause i doubt that they care much about whether you have been naughty or nice. however - i am in the undesirable position of wanting to go - spend some...
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Fun fact: I worked on that movie 'Stay". I did locations. I was in charge of the crane on the Brooklyn Bridge. Did you know that you can get a permit to park a 3,000 lb crane on the Brooklyn Bridge pretty easily, but when they show up with a 4,000 lb crane, the guys from the City kind of freak out. They start saying that, like, the brigde is too old and stuff. Ooey. What a day that was.

What's up, hon?
I just for home from rehearsal, am about to shower, eat, and go teach yoga...then to Cheetahs at around 10pm. Wash, rinse, repeat. Those are my days as of late.

I shouldn't have worked last night...but you know, there's that money thing and stuff.

My whole weeek is hell b/c of upcoming Halloween festivities. That's what happens when you're a performer. Holidays start to suck.

new depeche album is great. and guess what? i got to be there while it was being made - check out the pics, yo.

GO SEE the movie STAY.

its great. people think its dumb, but they dont get it. roger ebert pretty much gets it. its complicated. think about it.
dont expect things to be handed to you. its not simple, its complex -...
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Hey there CB. Maybe we can get a beer later this coming week or weekend sometime. I bet weekends are best for you if I had to guess, and it's all about the same to me right now - being that I am in pre-pro - so I am flexible; let me know what works for you. I think my number has changed since we last spoke directly. I'll email you here in a bit with the current info so we can set something up.

Great DM pic, btw. I'd enjoy hearing the story behind that!

I want to see Stay myself. It's actually on my to-do list, so I am pleased to hear that you liked it as well. Among the mass-media critics I tend to listen to Ebert the most myself. We don't always agree but his take on things is usually well-considered and intelligent at the very least.

That sounds like fun. Hit me at cineman@filmisart.com.

long time no update. bored in los feliz. so what is happening?


dating same girl
working on superman
getting out of shape
lacking friends
missing home

and that, is about it. no prose worthy of pen..

Good to hear from you. Too bad about the bored part. Re: boredom, steady work is sometimes a salve for me but "activity" and "engagement" are two very different propositions, of course, so I know it's no permanent substitute. Best of luck with that.

Will you be in the States for awhile? We should have a drink and catch up a bit. LOTS of things have happened - mostly good - and I have something in development with my partner that may even interest you. No harm in finding out, right?

When things settle down for me here in a few days I'll be back in touch via email to see if we can't align our schedules for a hour sometime in the next few weeks. Cheers!
Hey there. I was just doing a search and came across your profile. Thought I would add you.

I worked over at Warner Bros. before taking the job where I'm at now about six months ago. I can't even imagine which circle of hell you must be in with the Superman movie. All I can say is...glad it's you and not me. Heh!

Take care!