Went to Houma to see what bands were playing after work. Walking around downtown I ran into a bunch of kids, 16 year olds that had getting into the clubs down. They asked if I was going to the Brick House I said I was just seeing who was playing tonight. They proceed to say we can get you in free. So I let this...
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Glad you had fun.
Thanksgiving was pretty cool. My brother and his hot japanese fiance came over. It was kind of a somber dinner because the two wildcards that made Turkey Day interesting are now gone. My grandmother passed away last January and my uncle, her youngest son followed soon after. We kind of reminisced about the old days.

On a more upbeat note My brother's fiance, Fumie, brought...
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Mmm. Japanese girls are way hot. biggrin
Went to Houma to see what bands were playing after work. Walking around downtown I ran into a bunch of kids, 16 year olds that had getting into the clubs down. They asked if I was going to the Brick House I said I was just seeing who was playing tonight. They proceed to say we can get you in free. So I let this freakin' kid mark an x on my left hand w/ a marker and walked right past the bouncers. It was hilarious I passed for an 18yr. old that had already been marked. I got out of a $10 cover charge for a pretty decent band that played 80's hairband covers, Def Leppard, Guns n Roses, KISS, Motley Crue, Violent Femmes(not a hairband) and other great 80's icons, their costumes were awesome. Have to admit felt pretty awkward with an x on my hand at 25 but since I don't drink anymore i could give a shit less. All and all a pretty good night! The band was Scum Gumbo. http://www.scumgumbo.com smile
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Kind of a BS holiday if you ask me, that's why I don't mind working, plus I'll get Christmas off for working tomorrow...and holiday pay on top of all of my overtime. Rock on!!

One bedrooms are hard to find around here, I was hoping to be moved in by Christmas uuuggghhh!!! Still getting all my crap together got a lot more...
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I feel your pain Bro! Dated 6yrs, married 10 1/2 yrs, now separated 7 months. After 17yrs of knowing someone who now thinks of you only as a friend is fucked up! But I'll move on; hard part is keeping the kids stable through it all. I took this week/weekend off for vacation. I have to cover Xmas holidays. Happy Thanksgiving! Have a great day! Are you going to any of the Saints games in Tiger Stadium? Having a fish fry at the Dec 4 game! Take care!

not much to say just working and sleeping finally get a day off Saturday! Woo Hoo!! Have a physical wednesday morning never had one of those before. Need to get my chauffer's license soon. Just lots of boring things floating in my head right now. take care everybody. smile
I hope you have a good Thanksgiving, also. Do you have any plans? I am traveling to MN to see my 'beloved family' (dripping with sarcasm). My brother is actually comming home on leave from Oklahoma. (That's where he is doing his officers base course.) Anyway, I should get going. It's getting late. I couldn't sleep, again, so I thought I would drop you a note. I do enjoy getting your comments on my postings. I have added you as a friend, I hope you don't mind. If you don't want to know me, well, I guess that's just too bad, huh?
I'm friends with a U.K. girl woo hoo!![/IMG]

Dear me. We're not that exciting. wink
Well, more on that concert (pics in folder)...

it was at a place called Tab Benoit's Lagniappe Cafe. Long name cool place. There is a decent stage and a good bit of room balcony and patio for chillin' between sets. It's just a great place to catch local talent and I'm sure everyone will laugh but we really do have some down here. Jagermiester sponsors...
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Your Cocker Spaniel is cute. I used to have one when I was younger. How old?
Hey, what is up. Thanks for welcoming me to SuicideGirls, you just are the business. Yea, your dog is fierce cute. What does residental services specialist 2 do exactly? In Ireland we don't have fancy titles for our jobs so thats why I asked... Later...
New pics in folder. Tonight's Slow The Knife/ Drysocket concert. kick ass show!! Too tired to type, more about this later gotta get to bed 10Am-10Pm shift tomorrow and the next day, blah. later smile
Your dog is so adorable!! I love cockers. biggrin
"In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we have been taught."
--Baba Dioum
it is tru!!

Cheers blush

I've discovered the shoes may not arrive for up to six weeks, which sKuppers my plan to shoot a last-minute Christmas set. It will have to be Valentine's Day instead.

Shall we be friends? biggrin
"Look at those cows and remember that the greatest scientists in the world have never discovered how to make grass into milk."
--Michael Pupin

Today I spent all day with my godchild/niece. My brother has her every other weekend and I make every effort possible to see her. She's only 8 years old but she acts so grown up for her age. We played Tony Hawk's American Wasteland for the biggest part of the day. Danced to age-appropriate punk. And then she grabbed up my bongos (that I have...
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Kids think of some cool/freaky/stange/awesome shit. I mostly hate children because they are so needy and annoying (I have 2), but your niece sounds like she has potential. I am glad you added me back...PS I know I don't really have to tell you this, but I don't (really) hate children...I love them, but I can never finish an entire one... eeek
She sounds so adorable!
Had the best day I've had in a very long time. Went to a local community gathering, it wasn't really a fair or festival, had bands and booths and such, called Thibodauxville. I met my best friend and his girlfriend, my ex-girl of seven years, over there. We had a good time, though brief because they were attending a wedding; I hung around downtown for...
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Yeah, I never drink, but I do spend a lot of time in bars as well. Oh well, I'm the built in D.D.

I completely hate the Draize tests. At least when animals are used for medical research something good can come of it--testing makeup is just terrible and a waste of poor rabbit life. frown

I'm glad you are having fun lately!