Yesterday was a good day. The best a I've had for a while. I figured out how to smile again. Hopefully I can keep this up.
So cool that ya smileing and being proactive in dealling with your life.
was it under your bed? it was wasn't it??? tongue
Today was an ok day for me. I stayed in bed for most of the day but when I finally got up I didn't feel as bad as I have been lately. I need to find something to do with myself. Maybe I need some valum. Maybe I need some goals. Maybe I need to get on with my life. Sitting at home all day...
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That's the trap when you feel depressed. The only thing that will snap you out of it is actually doing something, but how the hell do you make yousrself do something when you feel so unmotivated? It's a major catch 22, and it sucks butt.

Start small. Pick a very easy and attainable goal. Don't look too far ahead. Something like "I'll take a walk every day". Don't go far, don't do much, just go walk around the block. Eventually, you'll walk to the store, the park, and you'll be getting more and more done. Am I sure this is going to work? No, but it's all I can think of right now. Medication may be a good idea too, talk to your doc. Hope you feel better.
At least you see what you haverto do to get better and not avioding the probmle.
"Three, six, nine, the goose drank wine
The monkey chewed tobacco on the streetcar line
The line broke
The monkey choked
And they all went to heaven in a little rowboat..."

Can you believe that this is a children's rhyme? Isn't it sick?
That's awesome.
I'm making a cedar flute now.

Well look at all kids rhymes. They are all dark and disturbing in oragin.
"Nursery" rhymes where meant to scare kids.
Ring around the rosy was about the Bubonic plague.
Ennie minnie minny moe was a song created in the heart of slavery sang while hunting runaway slaves.

P.S how come no photos??? I would love to see your rib piece and the rest of your tattoo's.

The End
I believe it. In the first Curious George story George smokes a pipe.
Right now I feel like a complete failure, a let-down, yeah, a disapointment. My chest feels like it is going to colapse. It is hard to breathe. I never seem to be thinking about the right things when it was important. It hurts to think of them all.
How do I see the positive.Mostly like what I remind my life,that life isn't going to beat me in this world.I know it is hard for alot of people to see the good or positive things,but they are there.I have good friends around me to talk things over.I wish I could explain it better. smile
We'll figure it out. Either one of us, or both, and we'll get moving again. I promise.
Ok, I feel like I'm about to lose it here. Ran into a little, or rather a fairly large problem with my doctoring. I go through my doctor back home for my pain management, which consists of her mailing my prescription for pain killers once a month. Friday, I found out that as of the 31st of this month, she is no longer going to...
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Thanks for the comment.My granddaughter haad fun.December is big for us to from Dec.10th to Dec.16th some one in the family is haveing a B-Day.

You Doctor can give you Meds of anykind at your age.It isn't like you are a teen.The only way the Doc won't give them to you is if they feel you are a drugy or selling them.Alot of Docs here in ND are being more careful what they give out.You can go to the Board of Medicne to complain.If I remember the address I will send it,but I think it is in the phonebook.
kick her in the leg and when she is down grab her prescription pad and RUUUUNNN!!!!!! eeek