Bad Fierhauk, not donuts...

Well...again I get caught up and cant keep my hands near a computer because every damn night I am all over the town or caught in the arms of a woman. Lots of things occurring since last week...lets dive into them..

Well...last weekend not the huge event. Friday the guys and i got together to watch Ewe Boll movies...perhaps the worst...
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You're right, you DO need an update. It's been nearly a month.
I go on vacation for a month and you disappear, too. Coincidence? I think not.

I think you're my stalker.

(one of my stalkers)
Who is the slacker... that would be me...no updates in a week or so and I feel i have left my few faithful friends down...lets work on that..

This weekend was rather entertaining. I got back last tuesday night and every single night since Elise has stayed over. She is an angel...not sure how i got on without her before but i cant get enough...
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Thanks for the very nice
words about the journals

it's a free space, and i
just tend to go off into
things that shook me up
once upon a time which
i never really wrote about

anyway maybe see you
around SGSF if the guy
at the door excepts my
admittance request?

all best wishes, Drago (Bob Callahan)
I'm drunk right now. However, you would probably never know because regardless of how drunk I get, I always proofread what I write. Right now, I am drunk enough for dyslexia to kick in. Htat's right. wink
Ok...so again it is another day of stealing wireless from some unsuspecting yuppie in an unknown neighborhood in southern Maryland. I love technology. The weekend is done and the family gathering has passed again. Only two people went to the emergency room this year (back to back...one leaving as another arrived) so that was pretty good. Lots of liquor and Margaritaville was loved by the...
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it's been enough days. where are you? I'm so used to seeing you online all the time, that I miss you when you're not.

frown come back. i want you to show me how to get software for my jukebox.

did you notice how jealous tina was? oops.
Sounds like good times. tongue
Comedy...straight comedy. That is what I call today. My boss had me call him at 4:55 this afternoon (i usually bail at 5). He says `I know I already approved your time off but is it possible to reschedule your trip this week''. I quickly informed him it was a family gathering, an annual one, and i had already gotten airline tickets and the like....
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Why do I so easily turn women off, for no apparent reason, that's what I'd like to know. No matter how interested a woman starts out from the gates, and no matter what I do nor how I do it, everything goes down in flames shortly thereafter. In other words, I wish I had your problem.
14.5 hours till the face off. Get to talk to my boss about my annual review and what should be a generous `adjustment' of salary. Not a raise i say...that is in the 3-7% range. I want 30-40% but expect 15% or so. I will push to get 25% at least. I am only working for 20K less than FMV of my skills so it's...
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hahahhahaahaa Darwin fish is awesome!!!
Getting hammered is the universal cure because, naturally, it hammers the nails in life. Sometimes it hammer it too well and you must pry it out. Today, Monday morning, when I woke up I was still hungover from Saturday.
A taste of perfection is sometimes all life is meant to have. I think perhaps I am learning the flavor. I escaped yesterday for a lone night with someone that amazes me more every other day (note... i realize this journal is turning into a romance novel...tough shit..). For what will most likely be the last time we see eachother for a couple weeks (both...
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Huh, that was the first time someone has ever posted drunk to my profile. I'll return the favor next time I get a chance.
Does journal streaking work with the ladies?
So...weekend is done...i swear i must have drank a half gallon of various liquors over the friday/saturday night span...somehow I came out ahead without some major drama (no ex's scaling my back fence this weekend....course I wasn't home to supervise if it happened). Chico fell through so South Lake Tahoe and club Altitude won.

I was out Friday night, after collecting my `Top Shooter' trophy...
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1. Let me think. If I killed myself I would not realize the consequences for I would be dead, and if I killed myself in the right way it would give me an intense euphoria right before passing out, e.g. autoerotic asphxiation. And there is no such thing as a premature death, because we die when we die, no sooner no later. On the other hand, if I killed my mother, there would be the opportunity for me to have more experiences, for better or for worse, but with tremendous guilt. So... I would say I would rather kill myself. If you go out in life, go out with a bang.
2. That has happened before. They are always taken and I am never successful.
3. Travel the world, pack on the adventures such as swimming in open waters with a great white shark, fall in love once, and have sex the night before I died.
2 days... making up for weekly updates i guess...

What the hell am I thinking... I just ended an on and off again relationship with someone and am now buegeoning on a new relationship with someone that is....brace yourself..engaged... before you call me an asshole know that we met a month or so ago and got to talking about how unsatisfied in our current relationships...
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you know it's only a few weeks til the big bbq weekend? Are you counting down the days til you see me?

Ya know my Holly is coming, for sure. She will be my chaperone. ooo aaa
I want you so bad,
The thought is driving me mad
Like a cat on the prowl,
You come when you want
And not when I call

So sly, so pretty,
I wanna steal all the keys to your city
Tight skirt, skinny leg,
You make a bad dog sit up and beg

You're everything I want,
Everything I need
Come in out of the cold, pretty woman,
Spend the night with me

Oh, you're so fine
Oh, I wanna make your mine all mine,
'Til the end of time,
Baby, you're so fine

You're so hot with body heat,
You cause a fire walking down the street
You got class, you got style,
The girls don't like it,
But, the boys go wild

Midnight movies and insomnia go hand in hand. Revenge was much better than the first two installments in Star Wars but I was happy when Padme finally shut the fuck up. George...you write cheesy romance...

Anyhow... I am repeating my 3 hours sleep nights. Least this time someone climbing my balcony at 2:30am isnt why I am up so goddamn late. Drama finds me and...
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Well... I guess I am a slacker because I took over a week to get my shit in gear and update this. Lets try to make up for lost time.

I took the after-show weekend to relax mostly. Worked my ass off most of last week and did nothing of excitement. This past weekend was the fun part. I went to the 9th Annual Booneville...
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I heard rumor that you were in the desert for six months. Did you fuck any camels? You know it's like prison sex in desert.. it doesn't count as gay.... or beastiality in this case.
haha... he has to wear a big shirt to cover up the big titties. tongue Actually it's not a tshirt, it's some kind of tunic thing that he wore under his chainmail.

You know I love the dorks. wink