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Well, time to conclude this little project. It was super fun and I'm proud of myself for not missing a day. I set a goal and I met it. I hope you enjoyed it. Time for me to go dormant again as the fun part of the year concludes and my introversion takes over. Ugh, Christmas, yuck. Hopefully November feels like an eternity. All the...
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Good night all you ghouls and gals. I hope it was awesome for you.
If you haven't checked out Strange Planet yet, I highly suggest you do.
Sorry to get topical, but that's scary.
This is the stuff of true nightmares.
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"The wind came by. It rocked all the dark smoking pumpkins on the vast and beautiful Halloween Tree. The wind seized a thousand dark leaves and blew them away up over the sky and down over the earth toward the sun that must surely rise.
Like the town, the Tree turned off its embered smiles and slept."
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“Anyone could see that the wind was a special wind this night, and the darkness took on a special feel because it was All Hallow’s Eve. Everything seemed cut from soft black velvet or gold or orange velvet.”
.....except there's snow on the ground here. Ugh!
More to come today. I can't help myself.
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Late post, I had some stuff going on this morning and failed to get this out when I usually do. Apologies? Anyway, I'm no weatherman but there is high likelihood that I'm going to post stuff like four or five times tomorrow. Just FYI.
How does she know?
I love the idea that cats can just see ghosts. That would certainly explain some of their
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In my effort to conserve some stuff to make sure I had plenty as we actually approached Halloween, I may have save too much. So the next few days are likely to be epic dumps of stuff I have found. I hope you enjoy.
Oh, and I highly recommend the Fear Street movie series. I just finished them last night and they were super fun....
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“…it was the afternoon of Halloween.
And all the houses shut against a cool wind.
And the town full of cold sunlight.
But suddenly, the day was gone.
Night came out from under each tree and spread.”
Then suddenly, a rabbit....
These are gender non-specific. I want to be bitten and turned into a vampire at a masquerade ball. I want to turn into a
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I needed a bit of pick-me-up today, so here's an extra big dump today. And I think I'll be viewing my favorite Halloween movie tonight, the one and only Monster Squad. Hence the GIF. Hope you're still out there enjoying my project. And get ready for a weekend of spooky fun.
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Really didn't want to post anything after waking up to today's headlines. I have friends near Lewiston.
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Check that link out for a little Samhain history. It's safe, promise.
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"Night and day. Summer and winter, boys. Seedtime and harvest. Life and death. That's what Halloween is, all rolled up in one. Noon and midnight. Being born, boys. Rolling over, playing dead like dogs, lads. And getting up again, barking, racing through thousands of years of death each day and each night Halloween, boys, every night, every single night dark and fearful until at last...
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