14 hour days are no fun. It's getting to be a bit much.
I guess it wouldn't seem that bad if I were starting at a normal time. But working till 4:00am makes everything seem a lot longer.

The craziest thing about all of it is considering the fact that the work we're doing is fairly vital to people conducting their lives (I mean, pretty...
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That sounds brutal. I don't think i could handle working those kinds of hours anymore. Hope you aren't overdoing it.
oh my god.

you've only been at work for.. almost four hours. and I miss you like Charlie misses dangling his tail out the litter box door.

this is retarded. YOU COME HOME NOW.

oh! and! I was hearing some weird dripping sound next to me that was sort of freaking me out, so I looked around the room and...

your beer is finally fermenting! I hope it's a good one. I can't wait to try it.

I love you, btw, just so you know, and I just farted so horribly you'd probably be proud.
Things seem to be going well.

meta graditated from a college. Which is totally awesome and I feel so proud of her I don't think it's even sunk in yet. You should go congratulate her. She's like, in a completely different league of people now. She's one of those people who tells me, and most other people, what to do. I think her family was...
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great how they prefer to shoot the messenger, rather than reflect on the abject societal failure of the flagship liberal wunderland.
there are two snoring Sullivans in my house, one on either side of me.

fuckin' a, you guys.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
ps I are love you!

Well. I'm going back to work tomorrow so I probably won't be around here as much.
Not too happy about that, but I don't suppose anyone ever is. They're starting us out on 8 hour days to begin with so that should make the transition easier.

On the plus side, it motivated me to apply to the U of M just to see what they...
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I'm just catching a 5 second breather but wanted to say oh fuck, work. Wait, what are you doing that you're 13 hrs right now? Today I worked 9am to 10:30pm...my boss drove me home (everyone else is still there though) & will be picking me up at 7:30 tomorrow

Ay yay yay

Devil's season!

I already made my espresso so it's ready to just heat up...what can ya do. More later! Good luck to you!
Proper remarks:

1. Yes I really have an espresso machine. And oh yes, it's quite lovely! eeek

2. Ack, my mother actually isn't dead! Just might as well be. I don't have a mother but she is alive-she relocated to another state without a trace & my life has been more amazing for it. She is unfortunately a horrible thing.

3. Irreversible-you said you lost it after the first 20 minutes--was that basically the climax of the Rectum scene? Because I was exhausted too. I was sick! eeek I didn't like the film but that death scene was filmed horrifyingly well. Fucking gross.

Hope you are good!
Vonnegut is dead.

I guess I don't know much. But I do know that a regular dose of theraputic sex is invaluble. (It should be noted here that as I'm trying to write something on a positive and lovey note meta just farted on my face and then left: now that's love) I really can't emphasize enough that I think there are not many problems...
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It's actually tomorrow at 10am. It's not going to be too bad, I probably won't be biking all the way, or at least not all at once. I think it will be ok. Not that I would turn down a ride if it turns out you are going. But I'm sure I'll be fine without one.
My brew buddy and I sort of made a kitchen sink ale with some stuff we both had sitting around. Four pounds of two-row, three pounds of Maris Otter, three pounds Munich, a pound of Caravienne, a pound of 40L, and a little shot of Carafa II for color. Plus a couple pounds of DME for some extra gravity, with Magnum for bittering, and Santium for aroma. Sort of a pale ale I guess.
I don't really know how I'm supposed to feel. I feel like I shouldn't feel so sad at the loss of someone I haven't seen or talked to for over a year. But I am.
I'm trying to move forward but I feel pulled back by the regret of a thousand unspoken words. I'm just... I don't know what to do. I can't get my...
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Basically a partial mash is using a small amount of grain in the same method as a steep. For the recipe above all I did was put the grains in a grain bag, heat about two gallons of water to 172 degrees and drop the bag in. Mush it around to soak up the water and lid it up, then wrap it up in towels on top of a hot pad. Sticking it in an oven on the lowest heat works too. All you're looking to do is hold in the heat so that the enzymes will stay awake and convert the starch to sugar.

After an hour you just pull the bag out, rinse it with another gallon of hot water into the brew pot (don't squeeze the bag), and continue with the boil as usual. I wait until the last ten minutes to add the extract, as it's a finished product and only needs sanitized. I measure the gravity before the boil too to make sure I don't need to mess with the hop additions.

Really you don't much equipment at all to do a complete all-grain even.

This works great on the cheap. I don't even use the braid in the cooler. I just put my grains in a giant bag. If boil volume is a problem you can also use way more grains to make a concentrated wort and water it down. That's what I do too since grains are relatively cheap.
oh man! I listened to "Hallelujah" just once and had to delete it. I cried for an hour. I thought it would help, but it made it much worse. It digs up your feelings, but it doesn't help you do anything with them. I'll be able to listen to it again someday, but not for awhile. Hang in there. man. We were meant to grieve, we were her friends.
I just realized you removed me from your friends list. I'm guessing this comes from talking to people who have their neckties too tight. Sorry to see you go. I considered you sane.
well, dad got me some drill bits too...

that doesn't help my cause, does it?

yeah, you're right.
I had a dream. In my dream everyone died. Most everyone died but I was alive. People floated through the fog to a gate.
A black dog guarded the gate. The dog decided who lived and who died. Most who passed just floated away. Those he bit passed through the gate.
At the gate the dog bit my hand. It did not hurt me but...
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Have you heard this? I am totally obsessed with it. eeek
I've talked to thejuanupsman who heard it from Charlatan and confirmed it with billybillybilly. I guess its true. No details that I know of. frown
This layoff has done wonders for me. It's the first time since high school that I've really been able to take a break and look at things objectively (I made a budget, even. Exciting: I know). And I've probably gained about 25 pounds in the past few months too. Which is good. I'm healthier and happier than I've ever been

It's raining every day.
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I had a great birthday, despite some foul-ups over the organization of the party. It's nice having friends. O, what a fag I am. High five on Maslow's Modified Heirarchy; I feel like you and I could write a self-help book that would be less lame than average.
Just from your first comment (I'm finally making my rounds)-

They caught the guy!? Do you have a news link PLEASE??? I'm dying to read an update. eeek eeek eeek

I have to watch that Winslet clip later, I'm losing my youtube patience tonight. The volume is terrible. What are those clips from? B/c I saw another one. I know there is filthy language happening? Anyway...oh no, I had a crush on her from Heavenly Creatures. blush Eternal Sunshine is one of my most favorites too...I cry like such an asshole every time.

That incident falls under one of my big fantasy vigilante categories---the ones where I hear a bad story and say "I hope they catch this fuck and someone shoots him as he's being led into court." Seriously. I say this a lot, I wish there were more psycho vigilantes in the world. love !!!
Wait, what do you think you look like?

See the busy/distraction thing is something I do all day long. And it works for the most part. Throughout the day I'm feeling better with ideas of things I want to do now. When I first wake up in the morning though it just catches me off guard and it makes me a little sick to remember that he was the first thing I thought about in the morning. It also happens when I try to clear my head to go to sleep. Trying to fight it then is pointless.