Politics & Current Affairs

A place for people to discuss their Politics and Current Affairs. A place for all opinions from all parties to bring their talks to each other. Please be respectful and civil!


Movies, books, TV, comics, games, hobbies, interests, obsessions, anything and everything that affects your life and isn't covered in the other groups!

the great outdoors

From outdoor recreation to survivalism and preparedness! Hiking, running, camping, biking, rock climbing, caching, caving, etc!

chemical halo

A group for drug users, street chemists, and people looking to learn more about drugs. This is not a place to judge others for their personal decisions. *NO DEALING IS PERMITTED!* IF YOU OFFER FOR SALE OR REQUEST DRUGS IN THE GROUP YOU WILL BE KICKED OFF THE SITE. NO …


A group for smart people! We talk about things like literature, astrophysics, libraries, money, and cephalopods (mostly squid).