Being an over-imaginative art geek in LA has produced my alter-ego, Doom Stagg. He longs for cyprus, oaks and redwoods of the central coast.
He wants to lay waste to this place, spawning giant oaks from lifeless concrete, crushing ocean destroying sewage lines with gnarled root systems and suffocating suburbs under thick thorned vines.... the only way to keep this from happening is to ART...
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First off, anyone that is reading this is way to nice/bored.
I am just getting settled into my new pad down here in Santa Monica...so far I love it...
I wasn't really looking forward to moving to LA, but this does not feel like LA at all.
And living three blocks from school isn't half bad neither.
Everyone at my school is either all super...
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Love the artwork wink especially the viking warrior vs zombie troll
yeah that's true... if i feel like i have to draw i HAVE to draw... kinda like sleep. if you deny your body sleep, it will find a way to sleep anyway wether you like it or not.
i think that's the way drawing or painting or whatever is for artists. smile
