It has been almost 3 months now since I last wrote, and here I come again with a bunch of new stuff.

First my excuse: I just moved to another town, and I'm damn happy with our new flat. It couldn't be any better, really!

Meanwhile, in a small case full of HDDs, a lonely CPU has been working and beeping hard. I am now...
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First of all, sorry for not posting for some time - I had my oral exam to pass on basics of theoretical computer science. And I did, yay! :)

Now there is the new version 4.4 of Android, aka Kitkat. This is the first time Google has chosen not a generic name but a brand's product name (Nestlé's). I don't see the purpose of this...
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Before I start complaining, I should mention that the issues I'm having for now aren't even half as bad as they would have been about a year and a half ago. So let's review: I had installed GhostBSD, taken a glance at how it might work in the background and read through the FAQs a bit. From my understanding, it is actually as closely related...
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Recently I decided to upgrade my desktop PC, so the onboard graphics card, an older Radeon HD, just got a new buddy: EVGA's single slot version of the NVIDIA GeForce GT 640, featuring 4GB of DDR3 RAM. The fan's loudness on its high frequency can be quite annoying to some people, but I'm still very happy with it. That combination might not sound very convenient...
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I just upgraded to the new version of Ubuntu Linux (32-bit for me). It's still reporting errors every now and then, but at least I can run Bria and Trillian on it, the only two closed-source apps worth paying for IMHO. I still hope I can get them running on my Arch system any day, but they are both linked to lots of libs which...
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So I was kind of sad to be missing SG for the weekend. Right now I'm taking a glance at the new site - and I must say, it really seems hard to use!
First main thing I'm missing: Overview. Everything has been enlarged such that you would only see a tiny little amount of content.
Second thing: Enlarging photos. How do you view the...
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PS.: I wrote this on Monday, but couldn't post it then. Apparently at least navigation through arrow keys is supported for now, posting to my blog works and I can view pictures in large by clicking on them. Even the logo on top looks better again although it's overlapping a bit with the main content. Fine... but there's still more to come I hope. Right now I'm seeing a very ugly button saying "SUBM", well, at least half of the "m" is left. Duh... I wish I could join the programmers and make this beta-looking website work ASAP! -.- Meanwhile I'm drinking some more tea... =)
So I just started experimenting with yet another window manager that I hadn't taken a glance at before: i3wm!

Apparently it's quite easy and convenient to use. Usually I'm on LXDE/Openbox, so this is a slight move now. With i3bar and i3status, i3wm actually provides a full though light(weight) desktop environment. So apparently I could throw away LXDE soon, especially from my slower machines like...
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Hello world!

You might know these as a programmer's first words. smile

Call me a geek or a nerd or whatever you prefer. I like that.

What I basically do:

- math
- crypto
- build OSs
- write c0de
- browse the web
- drink Yunnan black tea
- gain more knowledge on Coursera
- enjoy the sight of beauty (that's why I finally joined
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Hi there, thanks for the friendship! smile
You're most welcome, Aeterna! smile It's my pleasure. love