Yay...So I added some more pics tonight. They are kind of hot girl on girl shots...taken on a whim.

Sending love to all my military boys...
I know. It has been awhile. What's happening?
Sometimes I stand around and go WTF. I am seriously thinking that some people around here have lost their damn minds. But oh well, I guess that anywhere you go there will be stupid people right? LOL, I have just started to realize that there are stupid people everywhere and they will do stupid things. Oh well, it is a wonderfully rainy day outside today...and...
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Yuck, what a nasty day outside today. I am really ready for some constitant nice weather. I need sunny warm weather, much like that of Orlando. But alas, I guess that will not be happening here in the Seattle area.
I am Impatiently awaiting friday to get here. Then I will be loading up my happy ass to go down to the pier and stand there for a few hours in the cold and rain to pick up my sailor. But even though there will be cold and rain, it does not at all discount the fact that I am excited. I have to say...
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The days are getting closer until my sailor comes home. I spent the day cleaning up getting ready for him to come home. But in doing that I was going through boxes and came across some old stuff that made me laugh. You know those boxes that you forgot you packed then come across years later and you find things that make you laugh...and remember...
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The new tattoo is doing great. I endured 5 hours and the artist had to stop...so I am going back ina few weeks to get the stars filled in, and then another round of background. I am really excited about how its going to turn out. I am also excited that I am in single digits until my sailor comes home from war! That is...
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What does he do in the NAvy? I think your luck will hold. I am in the same boat as you only not as many deployments.
He is Firecontrol, and works with missile systems programming them and such...
So tomorrow is my birthday...I am not really super excited though. Being in a new place kind of stinks, but I am getting a new tattoo. I am going to continue to get my ribs worked on...I think its been long enough for me to forget how bad it hurt. So it will be amazing when I have it finished......I am really looking forward to...
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So I haven't been on in awhile. Thanks to hurricanes, moving, and all that jazz. But my new home is defiently cold. I am not sure that I really miss my florida weather. I got my new tattoo done and am loving my new pinup girl!!
All is going well. I am back in Ohio now. I wanna move!!!!! Oh well working on Harley's and getting paid is nice.
So today was super fun...we had another great storm today...and all the furniture from the pool deck, went into the pool. So I got to spend my evening fishing the pool furniture out of the pool. Now this might sound boring, however I got to ply with this really long pole(Yes, really long pole!!) and joust on the pool deck. Kind of boring tonight!
So today I saw the most amazing thing...a big storm blew in this afternoon. And I was looking out the window and the pool at work got ht by lightening. And watching the lightening hit the pool was amazing. I spread through the water and blew the ladders out of the water...it was awsome.

Going tomorrow to look at my new house!!
Wow that is soooo cool. Hey my friend from Korea Lee Nenortes is staying at the hotel send him some drinks for me. I might be there tomorrow. Anyway, Today's storm was better, way cool.