I'm in tech support hell..it'd be better if the computer just stopped working, but now it's in some kind of limbo mode where I can't tell if it's doing something or just sitting there. Ugh, and it came out of nowhere. Just decided it wasn't going to work today.
Let it snow..love blizzards, at least as long as I don't have to be out in them.
I'm hoping the cold has peaked, as I have some more energy today and I'm getting tired of daytime TV. At least Silence of the Lambs was on yesterday. Then hopefully it's back to the land of the living.
A lazy Sunday with a headcold. First I've had in about two years, so I figure I'm about due.
lazy sunday's are the best (well...minus the headcold, hope you're feeling better by the way). curled up on the couch with a book, watching movies you've seen mulitple times, or just sleeping the day away. damn...i need/want a lazy sunday.
Ugh, what's the cure for the common cold? *sneeze*
chicken noodle soup and lots of nyquil...

colds suck though, hopefully you'll feel better soon.
Holy cow, a comment from a shoe whore..
shoe whores are good...but tie-wearing kinds are even better