October has come and gone in a flurry of events:

Went back to Edmonton for a visit. Hung out with the niece and family. Had a great time. Saw everyone I wanted, had many unexpected surprises, and didn't run into anyone I didn't want to see.

Had a strange drive back to Oregon with my dad. 2 entire days of short conversations. Well. At least...
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All Signs Point Towards Simplify

Now that I've been in the states for 6 months I've decided I'm staying here for at least another little while and that now is a good time to sell my Edmonton Condo. Fortunately, Edmonton's real estate is over-the-top booming right now; it sold in under 24 hours for more than I had anticipated.

Unfortunately, that's where the good news...
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Tell me all the awesome things about Portland!
Let's go Home.

I've been away from Edmonton for 6 months now and am planning a quick trip up back to pick up my belongings. Oh sweet sweet bed how I miss thee. The furnished room I've been renting has a bed that comes with a warning - make sure you get some sheets - the last guy who had the room wasn't particularly clean....
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And Then. Shit.

Yup. Broke down. Smooched the Married Woman. Feeling guilty. Feeling really guilty.

Also feeling disappointment - not as much with myself that I finally gave in - moreover just being hit with the reality stick. It was just a big fantasy with an amazing (unavailable) person. It can't work out, it never does, it won't work out; a part of me feels...
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Don't worry. All I heard was "I am human."
Tempting. Unfair.

I've been trying REALLY REALLY hard to be a good boy. But when this gorgeous (married) woman I'm enamored with starts telling me all the things she wants to do to me in this sexy shy voice with the rhythm of something like the ocean, well. It's difficult to keep my hands off her.

We were doing well. We had been hiking, we've...
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Temptation 0 Hesitation 1.

Somedays I feel I've taken a step closer to my true nature. Today was one of those days; I'm feeling pretty fine.

We hired a new Designer at work and she's pretty rad. We get along really - no let me rephrase that- exceptionally well. There is loads of chemistry between us and we make eachother smile.

Unfortunately, Woe for Lucas...
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Wow. Kudos. I've been trying to be good about temptation lately . . . but it's always so . . . tempting. wink
I fear you are a better man than I.
The Date, Take 1.

This is a continuation of 'girl who called me 34 with a receding hairline,' only it's not so much of a date as it is what like to call 'How to Not Make a Good First Impression with Lucas.'

So plan is to meet her at 6:30 for dinner. Unfortunately, she has something come up and says she'll call when she's...
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RUN! Run away from her as fast as you can!!!!!! Don't look back. Don't call her again! Just run!
You certainly hung in there far longer than I would have.
Some memorable quotes from today, and it's only 2 o'clock.

My 4 year old neice to my brother and sister-in-law :

"We're a broken family."

"? What do you mean? Who's missing?"

"Uncle Lucas."

(I really really miss my neice.)


On the phone with someone I met off match.com:

'So, how old are you?"

"26," I replied.

"Huh. You look 34. You have a...
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My life is a pattern. Relentless and spiraling.

So, a few weeks ago, my ego took a dive in Lake Poopoo when a girl expressed her desire to be friends after the first date, a date that I thought went extremely well. It's still so weird how two people in one situation can take such different things from it at the same time.

Nevertheless, if...
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And then just when you couldn't possibly expect it, things take a turn...

Yes, today was great. I wrote something last night and it has a soul. That alone makes me very happy.

But wait, there's more! I seriously had Best Day at Work Ever 2006 today. I was asked for a ridiculously quick turnaround on a very important project - one of my first...
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Boy. Today is a rant day.

Okay. First item. Apparently I owe 4500 more dollars in taxes. I've given up trying to understand how I always end up getting screwed. I thought it was just me and my non-understanding of quicktax, so I found a highly reputable accountant. He's helped out a lot, and non of this is his fault at all, but; nevertheless, there...
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I did manage to write something the other night. I actually kind of hate it, but that doesn't mean it's not good. Shrug.

I couldn't sleep wed and thur night. I've been thinking too much about my family and friends in Edmonton. All that I've left behind. Sunday was my niece's birfday full of wonder and surprise, cake and giant air trampolines. 100's of pictures...
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