Sometimes little kids are just the best things out there.

Chelsea: "I splash just like this in my bathtub!"
Me: "Oh really? What else do you do in your bathtub?"
Chelsea: "I pee."

I just about died.
That kid has the best deadpan I've ever encountered.
Missing you!
Is he? Well I'll take your word for it...
I have absolutely nothing to say.
I do, however, have a lot I ought to be doing right now, and this obviously means I need to spend more time on SG trying to compose a 'blog' post of some substance or entertainment value.
Uhh, I've got nothing. I really, really don't want to go back to work. I'm tired. I'm sure you all can relate....
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i apparently missed the prior scintillating blog about Why I Need Surgery--please answer Why

you're next blog could be perhaps more like your first

I'm Really Only Here for the Naked Girls, Y R U Looking Up My Blog

or perhaps I Came For the Naked Girls, And Got Into the Exciting World of Internet Social Networking

i mean really, how many devestatingly gorgeous young bohemes with expert makeup and lighting can one look at without become so arous....so bored? really? it's all about the in humane connection

For some reason, it drives me a bit nuts when people misspell 'shepherd'.

Also, I'm carrying approximately my body weight in stress right now, but after Thursday (at the latest), I will start replying to everyone.
I'm really not ignoring you.
Unless, of course, you're irritating, in which case I am. If so, this disclaimer is not for you.
I know, I know, now you're...
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I, for one, don't feel neglected. Unless I'm irritating. In which case: why don't we ever talk anymore? I'm so lonely...

Okay, not really. How about this - when you feel like communicating with people (who aren't irritating), then irritate me. Wait - I mean communicate.

Good luck with stress, it's never fun. Also, whatever you're stressing about isn't ever significant in retrospect.
Thanks for the comment in my blog, sweetie! smile

I actually found it through a random link on one of my favourite blogs, www.dooce.com. It's all about crazy Mormoms and motherhood, neither of which I'm familiar with, but she's a funny, funny gal and I like checking in every once in a while. I'm friending you, I hope you don't mind! smile
It's a well-established fact. Exams are the shits.

Also, I am probably quitting my job. Because they have this on their website: "The Aquatics centre will be excepting applications for lifeguard positions early April". Can you spot the horrible, glaring error? I refuse to work somewhere that a)doesn't acknowledge the English language and b)refuses to let me correct their idiocy. That's right. They've actually refused...
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remember, i eschew grammer, punctuation and punctuality

but i applaud you standing on your participles

and capitalizing on Captialization

i assume that there is a line accross your student quad of men and women waiting to coddle and flatter you

perhaps you should open the door

and let the warm wind of their idolatry waft over your

your fine fine self


Maybe this will bring you some cheer...
(It's me)

Good luck on your exams!
I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance. Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone. The whole theory of modern education is radically unsound. Fortunately in England, at any rate, education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes, and probably lead to acts of violence...
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You posted pictures, at last! Truly, you are tres magnifique. I might have to spike your gimlet. You would be a fantastic femme fatale.

lots of kisses,

I will not entirely disagree with you as ignorance can sometimes be bliss. Some ignorances are safe to let bloom, but much of the time all it does is dis-empower people from making educated desitions in the direction of events to there greatest satisfaction. I do not think you can or even should control every thing around you. You should be informed enough to decide your level of involvement with the events around you. Much of being educated is just being observant to how things react around you then mentibulating it to achive the results you would like. Another almost more important aspect is knowing yourself and what you really want...what is worth the effort to achive your goals...and at what cost.

As to "modern education' , most is not education focused. They insidentally teach you things. The assembly line modal of early mass educations has yet to done away with. All the re-amps in the last few decades have not addressed the problems with the system fudementaly thus the results you get are going to be poor in general. So you are correct in the system being flawed, but only in apliaction not theory. If we actually had modern education we would have much better results.
Let's get metaphysical.
I am going to shoot epistemology dead.
Mostly because my darling professor is incompetent.
But still.
The metaphysical poets are somewhat rad.
Donne was a bit of a fox.
I'd tap it.
Donne was hot

But was he attentive?

I pay attention

There for I yam

Sweet potato

I can't believe how exciting this all is.
Everyone I know seems to be asleep or MIA, and I have no one to gush to.
So, I will gush to you; to No One In Particular.

!!!I love this. I am planning a trip. I am going far, far away. All by myself.
And, my mother, whom I adore, bought me a camera. And...
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Wow, that is exciting! How long am I going to have to exist without you?
I heard something fabulous on the train today.

Girl 1: OhhmuhGAWD, okay, okay you know Claire, right? Tyler's Claire?
Girl 2: Ohmuhgawd yes. She is such. A slut. Ohmuhgawd.
G1: Oh, I totally know. She's not even pretty.
G2: I know. What a SLUT.
G1: Hey, did you know that there's a smart person word for "slut"?
G2: OhmuhGAWD, no! What is it?
G1: It's...
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Haha yeah, it is funny to hear what people are like when the don nto think you are listening, or just do not care.
I have something to share.

This will not be nearly as light-heartedly entertaining as yesterday's nonsense. But, much better.
Seamus Heaney, Irish poet/writer/etc, wrote this as part of his series of 'bog people' poems. I could say a million things about it, but Heaney says all these things far better than I, so I will leave it to him. It is a rather poignant and...
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Very well written.

Stark, but still compeling
In reference to your last comment on my blog: I'm already under your thumb, sweetheart - you don't need to do anything more...
I have something of a moral aversion to blogging.
I feel rather presumptuous assuming that anyone actually is interested enough to read my mindless entries.
But, apparently, an 'active journal' is a requirement for a number of facets of this site, so I'll just write out into the deaf-mute void of the interweb(s) and stop giving the proverbial shit.

A lot of stuff is happening....
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Haha very nice...yeah i am lack luster about blogging myself....

I do from time to time when I feel so inclined...but as you said some mystery is a good thing...haha

As to who reads them...I read them from time to time..it is interesting to get perspective on your own life..via how other people interact with there own. I stop after 1-2 if there is nothing interesting in someones however...sometimes you get really interesting inspiring reads however.

But yes..back to the lovely ladies... .wink

after so many months of naked ladies

we start looking for folks who ramble in a way that funny, or poetic, or smart

it's weird, kind of like the importance of conversation after sex, you need mental and welll as graphic/physical stimulartion

most of the blogs are utter shite, but with time you find it worth poking around

that's what 'friends' are for