Hi all! Last weekend I went back home for my baby brother's 10th birthday party. I can't believe the big guy is 10!! Honestly, where does the time go?? I don't have any kids of my own, just siblings and cousins but they grow up so fast. I just want them to stay tiny little beans forever so I can help protect them and snuggle...
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Thank you! @gumballhead

Thanks for all the love on my profile recently, everyone! I'm not sure if I've shared this before, but ever since Covid hit I've really been into doing my own nails! So much so that I even have thought about going back to school to be a nail tech! I'm not SUPER great at it,but I've gotten so much better the more I practice! It...
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Hello beauty!  I would love to see some photos of your nails.  I hope you are having a lovely day!  xoxox
Thank you so much @missy ! I just updated my blog with some pictures of my nails that I'm currently rocking! I hope you're having a great week so far! 💜

The pool opened up in the town me and @janie live in , and I have been LOVING it. So far I've gone 2 days in a row and have had an absolute blast. I can't swim, but my boyfriend has been trying to teach me the basics while also pulling me around in the water lol I got a little sun burnt the 2nd...
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Phantastic news and congrats on the engagement ring and what comes to follow
@agent_easy thanks so much babe! ^.^