So @korie  is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen, but with her new set, you, somehow, made her beautiful-er...


Hey here’s a shoutout for your photography with @loveless in her newest set. Wonderful capture of all her beauty. I tagged it SG Hall of Fame and hope it goes SOTD.


In @lunalavendre, @skullo, @kayottie and @cenobite you have worked with some of SG's most beautiful and most talented, and you've done it superbly. When I die I sincerely want to come back as you @caustix.

From suibill


Wonderful job on recent Mylamynx photo set. She’s stunning & the lighting is out of this world ! Very complimentary to your pleasant composition/poses!


Stick a fork in me, I’m done! Your work with @apex and @julz is legendary, SOTD worthy, and now among my top 10 SG sets. Well played!


Your work is so incredible!

Thank you, reach out to me on Instagram. I've been following you a while. I'd love to set something up with you!

From jacleric


Amazing shooting with @robynlee on Van City.  Wish I could tip you directly.  My fervent pleas to SG admin on this issue are, as yet, unheard.

Thanks my Patreon isn’t a bad place to support me. You’d also get access to more of my work, thanks! 🙏🏻

Your last 2 sets @skullo and @sashasuicide are just magical 😍 Very beautiful locations, nice light and colors 💚 Awesome models! Great job! 🔥

From traffixx


Hey @caustix, I'm DM'ing you on SG about scheduling a SGH photoshoot next year around this time. If you could get back to me whenever you get a chance I'd really appreciate it thank you. 

From dahliya


Thank you, Caustix! I appreciate you leaving love on my set, "Blush" <3  Can't wait for ours!!!

From ljester


@caustix, I just had to let you know that you do excellent, premier quality work.     Well done!

Thank you 🙏🏻

From gitanna


your work inspires! I really enjoy your sets a lot

Thank you, I love your work! Your set with Betzy was stunning! 👌🏻
thank you! I hope someday to coincide in some shootfest and be able to share experiences. Hugs!

Dude, what is going on with your sets? Do you have an endless supply of voulptous beauties you keep stashed somewhere, or just a magic camera that turns all women into goddesses? Whatever you're doing, it's working.There's just one problem. I like to download sets I like, but I have limited monthly bandwidth and your files are HUGE compared to everyone else.

granted, they pack in a lot of sexiness, but dang, help a brotha out! Resize those things before you submit!

From ropers71


@caustix I am working Time4Pink for the gorgeous @chalk ~ I was hoping that I could get the title to her new set that will be out in 3 days.. thanks in advance!!

She named it Cirith Ungol
Thank you