So I put up a picture of me, but I chose one from close to ten years ago (9 and change, I think), and where I was made-up, well-lit, and posed. So I dealt with the intimidation factor by running like a bunny, obviously. To be fair, I don't have a lot of pics without someone else in them. I do have my eye on...
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Spent too much time writing on women, fucking, and orgasm (in the Sex boards) to have much left over for here. I was going to write about dildoes and harnesses, but that will have to wait for another day. I do need to get a picture of some kind up, I suppose. It **is** intimidating, though. I'm 45 years old, on a site inhabited by...
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Yes, certainly. Send me a friend request.
I sent you a friend invite. I like your blogs and take on things. It is nice to have 40 somethings in here that can speak with some authority. Watch out the 20 somethings don't like it. Screw them! wink
Yet another "girl-girl" set, and that set me to wondering. What do men really know about women, their bodies, and how our bodies respond sexually?

Do guys know we get wet before we get our period? That the same reason those "from behind" photos are so interesting makes it rather difficult for us to get an idea of what our girl bits look like compared...
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are you an artist?
Not really, at least not in the usual sense. I write pornography (for which I am sometimes even paid), which I feel is rather good. I write short fiction (for which I generally do not get paid), which I feel is solid. I act and write and direct local plays---and posed for pornographic photographs, once upon a time. I suppose I would say I am expressive, but not truly artistic, though if I had a bit more discipline (of the boring sort) I might be a much better writer (there is the difficult, boring chore of actually writing the **whole** story once one has thought out where it goes, rather than merely leaving off).
Once Upon A Time...I was crazy hot over a woman who was, at the time, 46. I was then 25. I thought she was amazing, and I wanted her. I got her....sort of. We had some major make-out sessions, and we made rolling-around-on-the-floor love twice. But she broke us off. Not because I was too young, but because she was too old. This really torqued...
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I've had a few days to take a spin around SG, and as I have no idea what one actually puts in a Blog, I thought I'd put down my first impressions of SG. I shall make an effort to stay in first person.

My first impression is "Brilliant!".

The women are who populate the site are varied and different, both from "the usual" and...
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