so a brief update on the condition of my head... I definitely gave myself a concussion, and fractured my skull.

I'm going in for a full cat scan next wed. to make sure I didn't cause the kind of damage that'll make my brain randomly decide to kill me.

having a broken head sucks.
i got drunk and fell a short while ago.

I hit my head on a coffee table and there's blood stuck in my hair, but not very much.

I feel a lot better than I probably should after losing a fight with gravity. It's probably got something to do with the bottle of vodka I've been playing with since I got off work.. but really...
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every now and again I have a day like today, a good day to be reminded that the one talent I have in tremendous abundance is the ability to fail, at nearly everything I set my mind to, in the most spectacular ways possible.

I am my own trainwreck.
Oddity of all oddities, I've decided to quit smoking.. reefer too. there's a few reasons.

Firstly I feel like a tool needing something to help me get through my day,

Second, hard as it is to believe, I acknowledge that there are people out there who don't want me to die a slow painful death. I admit to being an insufferable jerk, but I don't...
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I've neglected my blog for another month, I'm sort of sad to say that there hasn't really been much worth writing about going on with me. I is teh boring.

I met a new girl, condensed an entire fulfilling relationship into 3 weeks, got her angry last friday night when we had the "are we a couple yet?" talk, and haven't heard from her since....
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I realized something while driving home last night...

I was thinking about something my grandfather used to say when we were fishing, something we often did as he had a house on the long island sound, we'd always catch bluefish, lots of them. When we'd pull one in that was big enough to eat we'd bash it's head in with a stout club he kept...
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ok so the month of august came and went... and I never came back to tell you all why I was feeling better.

the big thing is my dog is back with me, he is my best friend and the months without him sucked immensely. Also my psychotic family situation is starting to settle down, my brother is getting the treatment he needs for the...
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feeling better. details later. biggrin
so no dice on resuming therapy, I stopped drinking though, which is probably a good thing, over 48 hours with no liquor and I haven't gone berserk and killed anything, I think that's a pretty good start... granted I'm chainsmoking, but there's worse things I guess... like drowning myself in whiskey.

I realized today that I'd really started living my life to the fullest extent...
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A lot of shit has gone wrong in my head since I left for NY, I've honestly been too depressed to blog about it, and too drunk to operate a keyboard for more than a minute or two at a time.. I think I've become an alcoholic.. but that's not what this post is about.

Here's the short version-
While I was in NY my...
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I bought an accordion today, between a family tradition and listening to way too much Flogging Molly lately it seemed like an awesome idea. It's a 1931 Hohner 12 bass, made by the Germans when they were just a clockwork menace, before they were Nazis. I'm pretty happy with myself right now. biggrin