Good things...start the new job on the 1st. I can't wait. I got a very nice e-mail from my new supervisor, so I'm feeling good about it already, and think that this is a sign that very good things are to come. Keep fingers and toes crossed for me. Unfortunately I still have 2 weeks to suffer thru unbearable shifts @ my current job...but it's...
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I only did a small bit of research! I'll never know when I'll need to know something about BPD - was I correct in how I applied what I studied earlier?

Couple new developments since I last wrote, actually. She called me the other night to scold me for just texting her. Anyway, I just got back from NYC like an hour ago. After work Sunday I took the train up and had dinner with her, her best friend and the best friend's boyfriend. Had a nice time. We went and checked out her new apartment and then went to the Beauty Bar for a few drinks.

For some reason we both had a Red Bull and Jaeger, but decided shortly thereafter to head out. Got back to her place at 1, but were up wired and just talking for quite awhile.

Just kissed, nothing else. "Snuggled." She had informed me that if I stayed over it would be extremely PG-13.

And it was, and it was nice.

Breakfast in the a.m. She told me I looked really cute when I sleep (something I've always been self-conscious about. A walk in Astoria and back to her bed to lay down for a nap.

That was my Memorial Day. How was yours?

congrats on the new job!
Oh man. Insomnia, I loathe you.

I've been in a funky mood all day. I believe that it is due to my depressing work atmosphere (literally), and the SURGE of hormones from new BCP. heh. Hormones suck.
I think it also had to do with the fact that it was Mother's Day, and I remembered while in the shower that I was not favoring my...
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awww. sounds like someone needs a snack
It's beautiful today.

Happy Friday.

I wake up late
blame you for fate
vexed and glorious as ever
I want you here
blame you, my dear
vexed and glorious as ever

out of control
we're out of control
we're gonna hit the wall
hold me closer now
no excuses
quit bellyachin'
love is medicine
for this life

happy friday smile
Roller coasters scare the shit out of me.
The past few days have literally been like an emotional roller coaster ride for me...Upside down, round and round, loops and turns and gut wrenching drops paired with moments of sheer elation.

The good...
+ I got offered a new job. I will have a sweet new supervisor, be able to do something that actually will help...
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This weekend has CRAWLED BY. Maybe it's because I spent 95% of my time at work, doing mindless and mind-numbing tasks, watching the minutes crawl by. I need a new job. Sometimes I question whether or not I can hack this.

Fear is a normal emotion. But lately I feel that I'm scared of EVERYTHING. I can't really describe that.

I picked up a note...
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awwwww. now there's a comment!

I feel like this entry could be me spilling my guts about a lot of random things...so bear with me? Also, this is the first real entry that I've posted since I've been back on the site...it's still kinda weird to me that I've reconnected to this site, which used to be a big part of my day-to-day life 4-5 years ago. Strange.

I stayed...
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So there is something so lovely about days with nothing to do where the sun is shining, and anticipation of a good night with good friends and good music.

I feel like, for the first time in YEARS that the pieces of my life are finally coming together, and I'm accepting the mistakes I've made and stupid shit I've done, and able to look forward...
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Oh my god! How are you!?

You know, I was wondering just the other day what had ever happened to you!

What's new in your world?

It has been a pretty interesting four years actually, but I'll stick to the Cliffs Notes version!

Graduated from Temple in 2005 with a degree in Journalism and minors in Political Science and history. Took a year off and refereed hockey full-time until I picked up a job at a local weekly newspaper. Did that for a little over a year.

In the summer of 2007, Dad was in the hospital once, Dad was in the hospital twice, Dad was dead by September. The pancreatic cancer got him just a week after I started a job at a new newspaper in South Jersey.

Fast forward to March of 2008 and my long-time girlfriend kicked me to the curb because I "had changed."

But things are okay, really. Kinda coming into my own at the paper I'm at. Won a New Jersey Press Association award last month. The drive to work everyday really sucks and the hours are terrible. That, coupled with the hockey is what led to the break-up.

Anyway, like I said, things are okay. Just trying to stay on the bright side of life, despite my downtrodden synopsis here!

I did make it to Boston the past two Christmases for the Mighty Mighty Bosstones' Hometown Throwdown. Funny, they broke up shortly before I started dating the ex and then they announced the reunion shows right after Dad died.

Oh, and the Phillies won the World Series! :-)

So much for Cliff Notes! What kind of work are you into now? Is it better than pizza and pasta in Bucks County? wink

blaaaaaaaassssssssst from the past.

Holy fucking hell, being on this site brings back some serious memories. NOSTALGIA. I have been holed up in my room all day re-reading all my old blog posts and skimming thru pictures. Hopefully I can re-connect with some of you awesome bitches that I used to talk to all the time back in the day. Tell me what's been going...
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no way! you're drop dead gorgeous. It's just been a rough four years on my end and I've killed a lot of brain cells trying to make it through.
yeah but I still have at least two sittings left and it's been six years or more! ridiculous!
I'm pretty sure that this account runs up today, or maybe tomorrow.

after a year plus on this site, I'm not re-newing my subscription this time.

it's time to move on, in alot of ways. I've chatted it up, and met alot of very cool people off of this site, and I'm sure I'll keep in touch with the ones that matter.

logging onto suicidegirls...
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You're just wonderful, remember that. Keep your head up. Something spectacular will come along soon. Just be patient.


Glad you found me on MySpazz, babycakes. See you there.
I didn't study last night.
Went to the pub instead. Bad idea. Bad time.

I hate that look that you have on your face when you're drunk.
I see right through you.

Didn't do much of anything today.
Should've taken the test, but we're allowed to skip one. Handed in my paper, but didn't do the spanish composition.
I really wish that I cared...
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"Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not words. Trust movement."
Alfred Adler

Stop moving.
Stop thinking.
Stop everything but breathing and being.

Find your center.
Sink into it.
Feel it.

Start moving again.
With renewed purpose and energy.

And, yeah... breathe.

College, like life, is a test.
What you learn there is not necessarily what they teach in class.

Find your center and you can never be knocked over or knocked down.


love ARRR!!!

[Edited on Nov 27, 2005 12:40AM]