It is WAY too beautiful out to be going into work today.

But at last, the sun is back! And it actually feels like SUMMER. love

I am doing better than my last melodramatic post, and I had a very fun and relaxing fourth, and hope ya'll did as well.

Real post later. kiss

So wait a second. Am I to understand you left the wackos of South Jersey to work with the crazies of Boston instead? You could have stayed put right where you were and you would never run out of work. biggrin
You know what they say though, crazies never know they are crazy. So... when you actually think you are going to work it might just be for something completely different and you just don't know it. Perhaps, they are the ones containing you.
eeek surreal eeek surreal eeek
I am at a loss for words.

Sleepless, restless, and hopeless. Feeling that there is nothing I can say or do that is right anymore. Don't even know what is right anymore.

Don't know right from left.

I'm wondering how it got to this point. It shouldn't be this way.

it's ok i laugh at hugely inappropriate times as well.....and i love the play on words that "bi-polar bear" presents

aaaaaaawwww thank you kiss

i'm way better today kiss
Whoo...it's the weekend! This week flew by and it kind of made me feel (even more) scatterbrained than I usually do. But two consecutive days off cannot be argued with.

THE SUN CAME OUT TODAY. This is huge news, because I don't think I've seen the sun in about 2 weeks. It's going to rain for the rest of the week though. frown Where is summer...
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You job is to write smaller blog posts!

Never seen anyone try to have breast sex with a cucumber before.

My advice to you is to skip Lolapalooza. Those festivals are never as fun as they seem to be. Do buy a new pair of boots though. Just picked up a pair myself.


PS - You rule.

PPS - Going to the Shore in the a.m.
thanks...yea they are!!! Just need a blanket & a book and cup of tea and im golden!
Aint no sunshine when she's gone....

Dude, the sun needs to come out. Since when has Boston turned into the rainy city? It's like a rain forest out there. There might be some nice weather this coming weekend, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed because I need some blue skies in my life.

My weekend was...interesting. It's interesting how many different things can manifest themselves...
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Seriously! This weather sux!!!

Ps. Thanks for the add love
I think I saw some sun today! biggrin
Today was a loooooooong day. 11.5 hours at work. Coming home to a hysterical roommate. I think it's meltdown week, hmm?

"Mercury must be retrograde" -- that is my roommate's explanation tongue

I did have a good night at work although it was long, because I got to hang out with my supervisor and I learned ALOT and met some of the great new clients of...
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LOL...yea, there's something not quite right.

Fixed the door yesterday. Still thinking about the girl, but not as much. Just really sucks. Is this when I'm supposed to give chase or something?

That's sweet that the boy was so, for lack of a better term, "proud" and showing you off. Must be nice to be cared about that much. Just enjoy it! Going to live vicariously through your romantic exploits!

I really think it's karma biting me in the ass for me being a jerk to girls. It has got to be. All those phone numbers I took but never called. The ones I've strung along. Ugh, it figures.

Being on the right track in a complicated situation is a good start for sure. Something is bound to happen. I've been told I'm a hopeless romantic, so keep filling me in with details.

Well the past 24 hours have been interesting, to say the least.
Good and bad times had by all.

When are you going to get it thru your thick skull that I don't want to be with anyone else other than you.

Maybe it's unbelievable. Maybe you can't accept it. But try.

Off to work.
My head fucking feels like it could explode. puke How was...
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Today is one of those days.
Where it rips you up into shreds, and you wake up the next day trying to put back the pieces together.
I am exhausted. Mentally and physically. Though training is going well.
I haven't really slept, because the nightmares are back...and it makes me afraid to go to sleep.

Song for today:

When you've had enough,
and you've got...
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I know my Veruca Salt songs, and how dare you accuse me of google-ing it!

My song is one of Morrissey's new singles. There was another one I wanted to send along, but it was too dream-related and didn't want to include it considering your recent bad nocturnal visions.

The one posted above is called "All You Need is Me."

You're right in that not all girls suck and forgive me for lumping you among the masses. Sure, I agree she wants attention from me. The question is whether I should give it to her.

The other question is whether or not I misrepresent myself to people. I've had a number of people who I've known for a short time tell me that I'm not the person they had me pegged for. Usually it's the asshole in me that comes through initially, but sooner or later they find out that's just a front.

Maybe if I was consistently a prick to people they'd hand around me longer.

Have to admit this girl is like a drug to me. She speeds up my heart when I hear from her. The highs are extremely high, but the lows are just as extreme.

Did we do that Pop punk cover together?
Well, another emotional roller coaster of a week. Thankfully this time, there was only one really bad day.

I'm not going to get too much into it, because I've finally stopped feeling sad/angry about the situation, and I just want to move on. On Tuesday, I walked out of my current job, the one I've been working at for over a year, never to return...
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Good luck with all your big changes. Sounds like out of the dust something better will emerge.
I too am starting a new job Monday...kind of. I am getting transfered to a new location. A little nervous.
Good things...start the new job on the 1st. I can't wait. I got a very nice e-mail from my new supervisor, so I'm feeling good about it already, and think that this is a sign that very good things are to come. Keep fingers and toes crossed for me. Unfortunately I still have 2 weeks to suffer thru unbearable shifts @ my current job...but it's...
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I only did a small bit of research! I'll never know when I'll need to know something about BPD - was I correct in how I applied what I studied earlier?

Couple new developments since I last wrote, actually. She called me the other night to scold me for just texting her. Anyway, I just got back from NYC like an hour ago. After work Sunday I took the train up and had dinner with her, her best friend and the best friend's boyfriend. Had a nice time. We went and checked out her new apartment and then went to the Beauty Bar for a few drinks.

For some reason we both had a Red Bull and Jaeger, but decided shortly thereafter to head out. Got back to her place at 1, but were up wired and just talking for quite awhile.

Just kissed, nothing else. "Snuggled." She had informed me that if I stayed over it would be extremely PG-13.

And it was, and it was nice.

Breakfast in the a.m. She told me I looked really cute when I sleep (something I've always been self-conscious about. A walk in Astoria and back to her bed to lay down for a nap.

That was my Memorial Day. How was yours?

congrats on the new job!
Oh man. Insomnia, I loathe you.

I've been in a funky mood all day. I believe that it is due to my depressing work atmosphere (literally), and the SURGE of hormones from new BCP. heh. Hormones suck.
I think it also had to do with the fact that it was Mother's Day, and I remembered while in the shower that I was not favoring my...
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awww. sounds like someone needs a snack
It's beautiful today.

Happy Friday.

I wake up late
blame you for fate
vexed and glorious as ever
I want you here
blame you, my dear
vexed and glorious as ever

out of control
we're out of control
we're gonna hit the wall
hold me closer now
no excuses
quit bellyachin'
love is medicine
for this life

happy friday smile
Roller coasters scare the shit out of me.
The past few days have literally been like an emotional roller coaster ride for me...Upside down, round and round, loops and turns and gut wrenching drops paired with moments of sheer elation.

The good...
+ I got offered a new job. I will have a sweet new supervisor, be able to do something that actually will help...
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