Ah payday; brightly spinning orb suspended so far out of reach for what seems eons of time; then suddenly it alights in your palm and in a blink, is gone once more.

Had dinner with the family tonight and now I'm just gonna relax and have a few drinks and forget that I just had dinner with the family tonight.

See you on the flipside...
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*paws at screen* I want...

yes i haevn't had a payday is a very long time...but that will chnge when i get that mythic tax return..well one of these days..marf
I forced myself to watch the show 'are you hot' and good god that this level of "entertainment" exsists is kinda scary. I can now however talk to some of the guys at work about current events in their world; I also caught the presidential address, just in case people thought I'ld completely lost my grip on reality. Both were well versed in rhetoric and...
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the president makes me angry. what i don't understand is why, because this country won't disarm, we're going to use our armaments against it. huh? i mean, why should THEY disarm if we don't have to?

baths are goooooood.
looking cute and blinking isn't everything.

you also have to have money.


oh - very very nice pic.. biggrin
I'm having some weird psychotic domestic episode, cleaning and doing chores with a slightly bent perspective. Last night as I was cleaning, I thought the best thing in the world would be to reorganize the living room. Something just wasn't working, then I realized what I had to do; and grabbed my powersaw and cut the entertainment center in half.
Voila, problem fixed.
I'm not...
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Destruction is fun. See my past journal entries. smile
Hmmm...the only bit of destruction I've created lately is with my mouth. I really should learn to keep it quiet when I'm upset....instead, I tend to yell absurdities, pissing others off in the process. Oh well...what's a girl to do...

AND ...the snow is still a comin' down here too. I'm guessing there's at least 2-3 feet out there now. Bloody hell!

Monopolies blow. I try and give my money to the underdogs whenever possible...but it seems in the world of utilities, such a thing does not exist.

Geez....can you feel the positive energy flowing from me today??....lol

Disregard my piss-poor attitude and have yourself a great day bright eyes.
Ok so I know I have a tonne of work to do, errands, chores and a million other things to fill my one day off but I couldn't get out of bed till I finished my book;(I still don't really know what the hell it was about but I can feel pieces coming together; I love haruki murikami. he makes me think).
I just had...
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ooh....what murakami? i've read hardboiled wonderland.... and have a couple others waiting in the wings.

maybe the coffee is the bath in which the sausage and eggs have their sensuous liaison? wink
My consciousness feels like the sea of holes in yellow submarine, I keep falling in at one point and coming out somewhere else, maybe because it's a sunday and I'm feeling lazy or it could be a delirium brought on by the fervant wish for the revolution to come and wipe the non-humanist dragon of oppression in all forms from the earth and bring all...
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Ha ha... I love that quote. I'll have to look around and see if any local pubs are willing to train a goofy gent like myself.
i agree with your thoughts in my journal. one of my college professors made a stunning statement, one day in class, that has stayed with me ever since: whatever we reject from our past is still something to which we owe gratitude; often these things give us the tools by which we reject them.

as strange as this sounds to me, i believe it. for instance, i emerged from a very conservative, very fundamentalist background. but how have i been able to grapple with it? partly due to the tools of inquiry and suspicion which that frame of mind is so fond of wink

regarding your comment on knowing something evil in order to know something good: i wonder, have you seen the foreign film (sorry, can't remember the country) titled "The Vanishing"? a somewhat slow, but interesting film which explores that very topic you raised.

Ok, so I think I'm going back to school and not for any degree I currently have been working on before, (big surprise). I think I'm going to go and get my chef accreditation, I love cooking and wine so it seems like the right thing to do; it sorta came to me today so I figure I'll give it a shot. It will still...
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wait what am i being thanked for?
Food = awesome
Wine = awesome

Best of luck to you.
Whee, sometimes I almost think I should take my meds again but then I eat right and exercise and actually follow the advice of my doctors and those thoughts vanish. Usually along with the randomly pshychotic thoughts that cause me to ride the emotional rollercoaster.

I love my roasting pan, you throw a bunch of stuff in it and out comes food in about 40mins,...
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Thanks for the hugs and cuddles. smile
yeha i have been on a emotional roller coaster also....when do you get on the internet usualy...cause then i would know when to catch you so we can talk
Today was an odd mix of things, weird little flashes came to me at work and the day felt like two instead of one. All very surreal and unhinged.

the smell of stale beer and blood reminds me of my dad.

I make peoples heads turn; still.

I can't help but feel sorry for my boss, he's ocd and expects everyone to act like him...
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you too?

peoples are silly a lot of the time. they don't seem to really care about you. sad.
Kitties are wonderful creatures. Gomez has been with me through every hardship and happy moment, and he still loves to jump on me and lick my face Dino-style.

I need to tell you -- you have the softest, kindest eyes. I could just fall into them.
Today was an odd mix of things, weird little flashes came to me at work and the day felt like two instead of one. All very surreal and unhinged.

the smell of stale beer and blood reminds me of my dad.

I make peoples heads turn; still.

I can't help but feel sorry for my boss, he's ocd and expects everyone to act like him...
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Today was an odd mix of things, weird little flashes came to me at work and the day felt like two instead of one. All very surreal and unhinged.

the smell of stale beer and blood reminds me of my dad.

I make peoples heads turn still.

I can't help but feel sorry for my boss, he's ocd and nuts but expects everyone to act...
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Today was an odd mix of things, weird little flashes came to me at work and the day felt like two instead of one. All very surreal and unhinged.

the smell of stale beer and blood reminds me of my dad.

I make peoples heads turn still.

I can't help but feel sorry for my boss, he's ocd and nuts but expects everyone to act...
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Today was an odd mix of things, weird little flashes came to me at work and the day felt like two instead of one. All very surreal and unhinged.

the smell of stale beer and blood reminds me of my dad.

I make peoples heads turn still.

I can't help but feel sorry for my boss, he's ocd and nuts but expects everyone to act...
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