So I have decided that next month when my yearly renewal comes up I won't be renewing. The cost vs the benefits just are not in line at this point. I've enjoyed my time here, and while I will miss chatting with everyone, it's just what I feel is the right choice.

Anyone who wants to keep in contact drop me a Pm and we...
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So I'm pretty sure my best friend and former roommate screwed me over when we move. We didn't have room in the u-haul for a few boxes that were in our basement, I gave him $20 to load them in my truck (which my dad bought off me) so my dad could keep them for us (boxes of my daughter's baby cloths and such) now...
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@teddykev Outside of that, the move went well. We moved up to Wisconsin about 2 months ago, almost done unpacking finally. Really nice area, laid back friendly people and little to no crime. Took a couple weeks to get settled (Sleep schedule got all fuckered up, daughter was uncontrolable, ext) but my Mom and step dad showed up out of the blue as a surprize one day and that helped alot.
Sweet dude, this is great news. :-)

Holy shit, my mom called me at 9Am this morning and told me to get on Skype. I log on and she asks me where she is as she turns her phone around and shows me the outside of my apartment building! For those of you who didn't know about a month ago my Wife's job transferred us from Ohio to Wisconsin. My mom and...
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So a few days ago my sister in law got a hold of me and asked me to edit about a dozen photos for her, no offer of payment whether cash or food or anything (mind you I am happy to do it for free when I offer to, but please don't assume so). She sent me the pictures, and I let her know after...
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Ugh :(

And watch the Twitch stream of MTG Pro Tour: battle for Zendikar all weekend.


So after 13 days we are sorta settled in Marshfield. We have an apartment, we have about 40% of the unpacking done, and kind of have a routine going. Hopefully in the next week or so I can catch up and do a massive MMA News thread, my apologies for not keeping up :/


Packing: 30% Done

Current Bills: 90% Caught up

U-Haul: Being reserved Monday

Place to Live in Wisconsin: 30%

Nerves: About fucking gone


We got the final word from my wife's job. We are moving to Marshfield Wisconsin at the end of the month. Amanda has to report to her new store sometime between Sept 26th and Sept 30th.

Yeah - I don't think there's anything I can say that will make you all 'Change is great!' at the drop of a hat. I guess what worked for me was learning what was mandatory to figure out for me to relax i.e. where am I going to sleep. It's strange, on trips with Wife, I am more concerned with checking into the hotel than I am with food - I'll go for the whole day without eating until I know where I am going to sleep.
What has helped easy my mind alot was about an hour ago I was on the phone with my Dad and he volunteered to drive the U-Haul, and that has made it seem alot easier to deal with. Also Marshfield has one of if not the best school systems in the state, so next year Lia will have a fantastic school to go to.

So after a summer of stressing over it, it appears late this month we will be packing up and moving to Wisconsin for my Wife's job.


So my daughter is down at the ER, apparently she shoved something up her nose. My wife could smell it when she got home today (as a 10+ year pack a day smoker I have no sense of smell most of the time). Wifey recognized the smell from a year ago when our daughter pulled this same stunt.

So here is hoping the ER can...
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Less hassle, less drama, less confusion all positives for sure. Things are looking good for you being the new owner of the mma group dude 😃
@teddykev I plan to give it another solid week or two for people to vote before I take it to the admins and try to get something done with it. I figure with a month to vote no one can say they didn't get a chance.