Well, I just felt like doing a rant blog where the community that will read it won't be anyone I personally know. I'm getting pretty sick of my friends, or so called friends. I tried to have a Halloween party. Something just to chill out, watch movies, drink and have fun. People just bailed out, even when they said they were going to hang out...
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I see this is going across the site and is mostly the ladies of the site, but I'm bored enough to do my own.

1.)It's recently become a pet peeve of mine to spell my name with a "h" instead of a "k." "Zach" instead of "Zack." It used to not bother me that much, but now it does.

2.)My mind never shuts up. It's...
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No. 3 👌 yes
In the two years since this, I have to update something. I now prefer whisky over rum.

Today I went out and bought some modeling clay. I want to have an artistic hobby, even if I never pursue it as a career or to make money. Even if it's simply for fun. I made two different things today, both of which I am quite proud of myself for. Neither are great, but I am just getting started and I think they are...
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I've made little ornaments with baking clay :) I paint them though, instead of using multiple colours of clay :)
I might try that later, but now I would just screw it up. I've never tried baking clay, but I will probably make ornaments next Xmas.

The title to this blog only says a bit of what I am doing. I have started up a serious of fictional journal entries on LiveJournal about myself being stalked by a character I created years back, but recently upgraded. I put it on LiveJournal to distance it from Facebook and everything. It takes place in the story universe as if it is actually happening,...
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Last night, I talked briefly about music from way back when and how magical it was. I still stand by that point, but it's also more than I said. I've been listening to a lot of that kind of music lately. "Sixteen Candles" by The Crests, "Smoke Get's in your Eyes" by the Platters, "This Magic Moment" by The Drifters and so on. The slower,...
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I recently bought a compilation CD at Best Buy, "Malt Shop Memories." I've always wanted to go to a hop or malt shop and listen to songs like these on an actual jukebox in 50's style. There is just something magical about that time as well as these songs. I'm not ashamed at all that I like them. It really puts me in a good...
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So I guess I should. It's been a long time since I have seen any of my friends for a hang out. I've talked to a few via text and Facebook and such, but it's been a month or two since I have actually seen them to hang out with them. It's really starting to get to me. I always used to ask via Facebook...
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Alright, so it has been a little bit since I have blogged. I felt as if I should tonight. I'm not sure if anyone reads these blogs. There are a lot of members and a lot of blogs so mine would be easy to miss. I'm not gonna stop blogging just because no one reads these, but it would be nice to know that someone...
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Heey, how are you?
Thank you SOOOO much for the support on my set Red Lips Girls!
Means a looot to me
Well, tonight is not a good night.... If anyone read my last blog, they knew what I was going through and knew that I was planning to ask this girl out. She still wouldn't text me so we never got to hang out. I tried again today and she finally texted back. She mentioned she had gone on a date last night..... I was crushed....
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Needs advice and people to read this blog!!!! One of my most important yet!!!
So... SG's and SGers. I think... yes, indeed I do believe I have a crush on someone. It has been such a long time since I have had a crush, it kinda crept up on and surprised me. She recently moved to my area and joined a local group I am...
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This will be a short blog to thank the girls of SG for giving me a happy end of the day on my b-day. It was on the 12th, and while far from a bad b-day, most of it could of been better. I planned to meet some friends at a Buffalo WIld Wings to celebrate. Some of them had good excuses, but some of...
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