Helloo, happy 420 everyone! I know I’m making it just in the nick of time. I just wanted to pop on here and wish everyone a happy 420 and I hope everyone had a relaxing chill day. I know the weather here in Ontario was terrible today it even snowed. But I made the most of it. I took this set about a week or so ago, and I’m slowly releasing content and I feel like the quality is getting so much better and I’m so excited to show you what I have! I’ve been learning as I go, weird love hate relationship with Covid but because of covid I’m able to take my sexwork on full time. 🥰💛 Stay safe xox Solana


Spring time blues 🌼💙 Staying motivated throughout this pandemic has proven to be hard, time and time again. I’m usually extremely happy going into spring and summer with the nice weather setting in. This year feels different, last year there was a small glimpse of hope that maybe covid would be gone, all of that is out the window now. I want to see friends, I want to hug family, I want to collaborate with photographers and other models! I haven’t been able to shoot a new set in a while because my area keeps going into stay at home orders and lockdowns. I do have one set I have been saving to submit, but I wanted to wait because it’s the last one I have to submit before having to shoot more. With my weight loss journey lately I’ve been excited to create content and shoot new sets and be able to see my progress through the photos. I’ll be posting more about that here as well. I’ve made it a personal priority to get more active here, I love this community and I’ve met so many beautiful women Hopefully with all my hard work I will someday turn pink 🎀💖 Until then I remain hopeful 💛 Solana xo

Beautiful pictures and blog. I am sure you will become pink soon
So sexy.

Hello to all, I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and long weekend! What did the Easter bunny bring you this year?? Are you still working through this pandemic? I know for a while I was struggling and these lockdowns especially here in Canada, it’s like a roller coaster ride. I’ve been working out and focusing on my fitness. What are you doing to cope with the pandemic? Hopefully these photos get your mind off the stress for a minute. Enjoy! xox Velveteen rabbit

I'm sure that toy can take away the stress 😉
I've been working through the entire thing, so nothing's really changed for me. Just trying to stay safe! Good to see you around here!

Guess who is back!! After a much needed long hiatus I’m super excited to let you guys know that I’m back in action. I took some time to really focus on myself, my confidence and get back on track. I spent time organizing a rebrand and come back that wouldn’t overwhelm me and I think it’s been a success! I’ve come up with a schedule that works, I’ve found a space to create content, and I’m showing up no matter what. I started a fitness journey and I’m even down 11lbs. I’m finally feeling like myself again and I’m so motivated this time around I feel like nothing can get in my way. I will be posting here 3 times a week but I will be very active on all my other socials so please give me a follow if you’re interested in seeing what I’ve been planning! I’ll be posting on onlyfans regularly and doing livestreams 1-2 times a week to start. I was also thinking about doing some live streams on Instagram and here as well. If there’s anything specific or special you would like to see me create please let me know! I love catering to everyone! I have one set to upload here to SG, with lockdown it’s somewhat difficult to find safe photographers and studios but I’m determined to shoot at least one more set in the next few months, fingers crossed! I cannot thank you all enough for staying supportive and sticking around for me. Much love Solana xo

Welcome back.
WOO HOO!! Glad you're back!