$25.00 Tip From vinzolando


I love this set 🖤

Thank you!!! ❤️💋

FANTASTIC new set young lady THANK YOU for sharing your beauty with me again !!!  LOVE IT 


$5.00 Tip From shootzy


Happy Name Day :p

$20.00 Tip From smg1977


Thank you


I somehow missed $$$ when it came out.  I'm no photographer so I can't tell what it is that you're doing, but I am an artist so I can tell the difference.  Of course ideally we'd all feel like our next project is the best thing we've ever done, but we also know that's not always the case.  I'm curious whether you also feel like your recent work has kicked up a notch?


I just put 2 & 2 together, and realized you're also a photographer here. I don't pay enough attention to that side of the site. And that's because I know absolutely NOTHING about taking pictures. I don't purposely ignore it, I just have too high an amount of ignorance on the subject to even know what to compliment, or so on. So, I'm sorry for overlooking all the wonderful photographers in SGLand.


$20.00 Tip From Anonymous


Your smile gets me every time.  Thanks for being who you are. <3

<3 <3 <3 :)

$3.00 Tip From Anonymous
