eeek i need to lighten up surreal surreal

too much focus on blackeyed

i love my cats miao!! miao!!
we all need to lighten up i think. I certainly know i do. tongue that was my feeble attempt shocked skull bok theres some more
lifes too important to take seriously.

cats are a good place to start.

thay definetly have the right idea.

i just found out that my very first boyfriend... in fact my first sexual experience.... died a few days ago. it is so strange. i have had 4 people my age that i cared about die now so far. one murdered. two suicide. and Russ.... i don't know yet. i'm trying to find his mom. need to say to her that i will remember him....
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more pictures. one of me, no makeup... the usual me. then me made up. and mr. potato head and zilah when they were babies.

i am feeling crazy and bored and amazed with my job all at the same time. i hate being single. i don't have time to search to meet someone... but i am lonely. argh.

i'm just going to do what i...
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your tatoo is amazing!!

Hey, 31 is the new black wink
I really like that back piece!

as well as your other pics. look good with both makeup on and off biggrin

single? \I feel your pain. lonely really sucks.

will update extensively tomorrow. right now... wine and Howl's Moving Castle. surreal
pardon my rant last journal... one of those days... out of my system now.

got more tattoo today... i'm so addicted. and it is so lovely. i'll post a picture when i get out of the bandage tongue

Im all for a good rant!

I like your new picture btw, very pretty!
it is amazing to me sometimes... the way people begin to live in anothers light... and then lose themselves... i know i have been quilty of it myself a few times in my life... but... it still amazes me.

clean it off... the slate. pushing the restart button. leaving all of it behind... done..... done

it is also very amazing to me how hard it...
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"it is our light, not our darkness that most firghtens us..." -Marianne Williamson

you're right - when we don't see our own light it is easy to get lost in another's
new picture... from last night even.

grrrrrr i'm a monster
Wow. Great picture!

You look really sexy in that picture love
just wanted to say "hi". happened upon your profile as being a person in my area. and it turns out, your journal entries intrigued me. my, you have been on quite a mass movie watching spree. any recommendations? i'm so out of the loop these days.

oh and p.s. nice favorite bands list. (i'm sure you already know, but Low is playing the Independent soon.

anyway, it's late and i'm tired. just wanted to say "hey".

i know its been a little while... but my god, work has been crazy!

i have watched a ton of movies in the past few weeks though... i'll try to remenber:
old boy
skeleton key
dinner at eight
through the glass darkly
parrots of telegraph hill
the notebook
surviving christmas
david and lisa(1962)
harry potter- the new one
before sunset
sg dvd
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I've seen old boy, I really like that one. pretty fucked up but really well done. none of the others, save for surviving xmus but I didnt make it through that one.

What kind of projector do you have ?

I work for an Engineering School and when I bought a new projector for the school I donated the old one to myself wink

Now I just need a good sound system to go with it.

Why no love life? You look beautiful in your picture love What are you looking for ?
last night it was just me and my friend makers mark.


crouching tiger hidden dragon
spirited away

(the last 2 counted towards the 2006 movie count since it was after midnight at that point)

tomorrow i have to correct 34 research papers. that is what i get for procrastinating. ugh......... skull
Happy New Year smile

I watched American Pie Band Camp last night. It was pretty good and had a hot goth chick in it.

During the winter break I've watched the entire Firefly series followed by Serenity, Into the Blue, Heavy Metal again (one of my favorites), Bad Santa (on Christmas Morning).

I would have watched more but I've been caught up with the site and going out to drink.

Currently my DVD collection is at 346 movies.

Do you rent or own your movies ?
can't say I like crouching tiger, im not a huge kung fu fan - unless there are zombies biggrin (versus etc)

Haven't watched the other two though.

Im gonna lie down now cause my brain just fell on the floor... goodnight

i am much safer just sitting in my apartment watching tons of movies... which is what i have been doing. alone of course. and it is probably what i will be doing into the new year.

it's not all bad. i have a great best friend, a cute little apartment, and a pretty good work schedule. whatever

i think that 2006 will contain a very numb...
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