A little while ago, I met this petite and shy French girl who came to London for a summer job and we instantly clicked. I can vividly remember inviting her out for a few drinks and we had an absolutely great time which I will always cherish as part of my good memories.

During one of our many conversation we had at the bar, She...
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Wowwww.. I do not know what to say.. I did not expect this.. 🤧 So many good memories coming back to the surface 😍 Thank you so much, first of all for your friendship since our meeting in London a few years ago, then for your support for my passion that is photography ❤️ ahah amazing dancer, not sure, but I keep taking Ragga Dancehall courses 💃I will always stay myself and move forward despite everything 💪 Acceptance of this dream by others is difficult so.. I am happy to know that you are by my side in this adventure 😘 I am really thankful to you 💋 Thank you thank you thank you buddy ❤️