Hello, I’m ZeldaDangerous, and I’ve been dancing for going on 10 years on December 5th. I’ve been through the mud in multiple states , and have learned tricks among other dancers during my first few years that I don’t mind sharing with you.

1. Always wear make up and have your nails/hair done at all times.

Even if you feel like you won’t make it
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Ever dance at Kandys in Eire PA?

I’m so excited to meet all these new ladies and gents!!! Let’s start with what’s your favorite animal, and do you have a favorite pet? Tell me about the pet!

I adore animals so it doesn't feel right to pick a favorite, do I really have to choose? 🥺 Hahaha I just love them all, and atm I have two dogs! And welcome!! 💞
I'm new, too, so don't know how much I can welcome you to a place I just arrived myself, but sure, welcome! My cat Squirrelly Tail is an awesome nutball, he's kinda in my profile pic. Lying next to me now, actually. Had him for like 12 years. There are also two cranes always here who had babies a few weeks ago, I'm quite keen on them.