So I'm in a multi that went up for New Years on @taystee page I hope everyone checks it out and shows it love I had a blast making it with @carebeargirl @rebelle_outlaw and @envy_ I don't have any New Years resolutions except maybe to travel more to places I've never been too. 😍😘

going to check it out! ^_^
It's a great set! Β Sure that your solo set will be, too!

OMG! So my set shot by @azera was accepted and will be going up in 5 months. I'm very excited. I can't wait for every one to see it I so love it. I'm waiting for 2 more from @envy_ which I am very sure are phenomenal and I can't wait to see them also. So the shoot fest was great for me. A multi...
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You make my heart beat so fast. I'd be happy if I could have just one night with you!


The homework set by @rambo and @missy was what super power would I like to have, and its a toss up!

I love the idea of power absorption!

Having the ability to absorb the power of any super hero or villain near by to use as needed. The ability is limitless, causing my enemies to be easily defeated and thus fall at my feet, absorbing
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Fantastic choice of powers. I'd think having Petrelli's version would be better since a) it's at range and b) you don't have the no contact disadvantage.
Ohhh!! Very clever idea! - I didn't think of this. ❀

This is the first time I'm doing a SG homework assigned by @missy and @rambo. honestly I have yet to see the purge. I enjoy the concept and I think I've entertained the idea, we've all entertained the idea.

I think I could survive the purge though. 1) my house is outfitted with these insane doors that have 10 bolts on them. They only require...
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So craziness.... I went to the NYC shootfest I loved it. I learned some new things regarding modeling and about shooting in general. I loved meeting all the girls. They are amazing. @rebelle_outlaw @taystee ,@skella, @eilyak, @envy_, @carebeargirl are all amazing hopefuls and I hope they all go pink from this shootfest. Then I got to meet the very stellar and amazing @azera, the sexy...
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haha you got so good at selfie sniping! so glad i met you love <3
β€οΈπŸ‘β˜ΊοΈ Was great to meet u too

I will be shooting a set with other hopefuls in NYC. I am very excited to do this and slightly nervous. I can't wait to do this. I am hoping that a good set will come out of this. Also, I will be taking my classes for my motorcycle license with in the next week. I bought my helmet and my gloves. Wow this blog...
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Please do!

I'm really upset. Something happened with my account and I had to reapply as a hopeful. But then pics wouldn't send so I was told to reapply again. Ultimately I had to create another account to do this. I really don't want 2 separate accounts because I have a lifetime membership on this one. Of course they're help people are not helpful at all!

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Happy New Year everyone! I've been crazy busy at my new job & I've been promoted from a part time line staff to full time Therapist to a supervisor! I don't want to be a supervisor I hate it! I've been working almost everyday, but my schedule will be changing soon and I will have weekends off again soon. I've been growing my hair out...
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Sitting waiting for my car that needed new brakes an oil change & a repair for a whole in the muffler. I'm ber broke now but ok. My birthday just passed I don't feel older at all. I wish I was thinner & had will power. (I so don't) so I could feel better about my body. I just wanna ton up some & not...
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Oh yay! I'm so glad you can go! We will be there at noon on Fri, so just text me when you get there. We will be at our merch table sat and sun.
I miss you too! How have you been?!