Won soccer game again yesterday. good times. Went to a birthday party and got hammered.
Went to my usual bar last night and somehow ended drinking my face off AGAIN. I need to stop doing so many shots. Ended up drinking all night with my complicated not-girlfriend.

Level 2 hangover this morning. Not bad considering. Only productive thing i did was get a haircut and hang out with my buddy. Somehow dragged my ass to the gym as well.

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First blog entry. I've been trying to figure out how to update this blog on my phone as i'm usually away from my computer. I've tried about 3 times and still no luck so i've given up for now.

I've got to finish up typing up a paper and then i'll hit the gym after so this post will be short.

I think i'll go...
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coconut M&Ms?! They exist?! eeek love

Trying to navigate this website on your phone is a nightmare. Don't try anymore!
Yes. They are a new flavor. Pretty tasty. smile

I was hoping i could blog/put up pics thru my phone. I followed the instructions. It doesn't work.