Anything New,
In the states I mean, That I should know about?
Ive been in Iraq too long. Ready to come back home, Just a little longer and I will be there to see my family and friends. Ahh what a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky or a drop of water to be found in a 122 degree desert. How fun.
Life, Beauty in a rough state untill you work hard and polish it into what most would call perfection. you can take what you want from it and leave the rest. it can be easy if you want, or you can make it hard your choice. I chose to work hard so i can take it easy later on in life
Hey, Most call me Loghry or Mike
What ever your poison is in life you will find what you are looking for, its rough but utterly beautiful in more ways than you can emagine. It all just depends on how you want it to be. hard and it will be hard, easy well you have to work hard and it will be easy but take...
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