Trying to make this a short entry. Vash called me last night, and me and him and this kid Derek and Watson and this guy Matt we picked up downtown all ended up hanging out. It was fun. A very average night. It's nice to spend time with my friends and not always be with Neil, because otherwise we'll get sick of each other, and...
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You are the only one who rreally knows how you feel.
Sometimes its isolating but in the end you are all you have.
Its a lucky break when you can honestly relate. I say revel in your self and feel it all. No one really knows anything anyway. You are truly a cancer I can see.... Not so bad to be able to fel so much. Just figuring out where or how to channel it. Good luck fellow crab
ooo aaa
Goddamit. I woke up and I thought it was raining, but actually, it was just the ceiling over my bed leaking because my neighbor was taking a shower. There's already water damage on the ceiling from a couple years ago. I talked to the girl upstairs and she said she didn't get a lot of water on the floor or anything, so that probably means...
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so my birthday is in a couple of days, and my guy is trying to be all secretive and misleading about what he wants to do with me/ for me...
its weird..
i hope your animals all go good with the landlords..
Bad things: So I go to the dog park today, and Pansy goes to the bathroom, and I got up and got a bag to go pick up her shit, so I go pick it up, and then I'm walking back to throw it in the garbage, and this guy sitting on a bench on the other side of the park is like, "You know...
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Yes, give your animals horrible commerical pet food that you have no idea what goes into it and you know nothing about animals nutrition and give your pets tons of vaccincations that they probably don't need, when you know nothing about vaccinations or the diseases they're being vaccinated for, and give them tons of flea treatments when if they were healthy, they wouldn't attract...
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People are pretty riduculous about pets. I guess it's the same with kids, though. WANT them, don't know jack shit, and you end up fucking them up.

Every time I tell people I have ferrets, or they meet them, they're like eeew or are convinced they are the worst pet in the world b/c they bite people and dig holes, etc. So then I sit there for 45 min. trying to describe how great my ferrets are and why other people have problems: because they don't have the time or effort to care for such a sweet pet and I happened to have done the research BEFORE i got them.

ARRRRRGGGGHHHH i hate people.
Annoying people.

I'm walking Pansy outside, and she goes to the bathroom, but I don't have a bag. I was going to come back and pick it up. So then there's this guy on his porch, and he's all like, "Oh, are you just going to let your dog go to the bathroom on my lawn?" and I said, "I'm going to come back and...
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Sitting around reading Ed, Edd, and Eddy; and HP slash. I got out to work later than I had thought I would and I basically just sat around and ate way too much food and watched PBS Kids. It was really hot soI felt super tired the whole time I was there, but now I'm home and I'm not that tired, but I have to...
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I switched Voldie to raw food, too. She ate her drumlet and gizzards like a good kitty. All her food for a month cost $6.73.

I'm getting ready to move soon. Tons of stuff to do before school starts. And Neil's going to be going back to Milwaukee frown It's going to be really lonely without him here. I hope we don't grow apart. Maybe I...
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you should stop by before we both move.
I've been sleeping way to much lately. Like last night, I got eight hours of sleep at least, and then I took a nap for almost four hours today. Or on Thursday, I slept for ten hours and then I took a nap on Friday afternoon. It's reall annoying, because I'm not sick and I'm just wasting all my time sleeping.
sigh, man... we've actually been looking for shrooms... bet i could find speed.. damn...
i just got through my second week of training, so i dont really know anyone, she could most definetly find me easier, and thats if shes in customer service...

i dont quite know why, but i deciede that 5 am was the perfect time to bleach and dye my hair, meh, just something to cheer me up... i havent quite chosen the color.... and i hope to continue around my head again...
typing in gloves is odd.
its wisconsin physicians service insurance co. so wps ic. yeah... i did my bangs pink, its two different colors, so it looks pretty neat.. they blend, it works nicely when they do that...
now i think im going to medicate myself and take a nap...*sigh* my head hurts...
Kiki and I went to Maxwell Street Days today (big outdoor shopping thing for stores downtown, happens once a year in the summer). I ended up spending more than I thought I would, but I got a bunch of stuff I was planning to get eventually and didn't do like last time I went shopping and got a bunch of accessories but no clothes.

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Mmm, shopping and hair dying...and garter belts...and cheap Buddha...YAY!!
Yay, so I'm 90 now. They let me out of the home to ride my motorcycle down Main Street.

Neil brought me flowers at work, got me a bottle of red wine, then went over to Amsterdam (the store, not the place; Leah is probably the only one who knows where it is) and Leslie (the owner) helped him pick out a plaid Lipservice miniskirt...
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i might be your neighbor. there is someone who lives next door to me who wears a sg hoodie. if you're the girl with the lovely dog, then yes... yes i am your neighbor.
Ukelele no good.
Sometimes I just really hate my mind. I think things I don't want to think about, or things that bother me, or worry about things, or get too influenced by some things and then that makes the rest of my life suck. Sometimes thoughts just keep running through my head and I can't stop thinking them even if I want to. Sometimes I just get...
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happy birthday smile
Thank you all for the happy birthday wishes smile