Saw Troy. It was truely amazing. They captured the Illiad to a T.

Another reason for seeing it, is the first full trailor of King Arthur. Guenivere is a fucking Pict in the movie (A race of peoples that painted their bodies when they went into war..hence the name Pict.)

Work still sucks. But I did manage to switch shifts tomorrow so I can see...
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I'm headin out to see Troy tonight.

Ya'll don't have too much fun without me.

Not like it matters anyway.

movie looks bad ass, man. bad. ass.
Workin on Trinity Inc.'s new site. Should be done by the end of the week. I have a few pages left to design, but it's getting there.

Work sucks. As usual.

It's sunny and hot outside, again.

Still counting the days till June 17th. (SG Burlesque at the Troc in Philly! WOO!)

Still thanking god for cigarettes, beer, and Justine smile

Still wondering why nobody except...
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What a beautiful day. Too bad it's not raining. Eh, can't win them all I guess.

I bought the new Dresdon Dolls cd. Fucking killer. I can't stop listening to it. It reminds me a lot of the later work by people like Tom Waits, and a lot of Nick Cave's stuff. It's very showtune-ish in it's nature, and it kicks ass. Very dramatic stuff....
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Light bad. Dark good. Light hurts Wolfman's eyes. No sleep when light shine. Wolf needs sleep. Wolf needs dark.

Christ...what am I doing up at 4:30am!?!
i'm always up at 430 am.

as for your note.
thank you. comicesque style isn't my forte, tho. i'm shooting for being published in Weird Tales.
like my good friend HP Lovecraft.
Well good christ it's been a while. I'm back now...and I've got a post for ya'll to read.

In my absense, I've started my own comic book site. Trinity Comics to be exact. I originally did it to feature a story that I had written called Final Haven, but it's become so much more then that. Now it's home to 9 stories, and is quickly...
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Wooooowwwww, you've been busy. I feel so lazy. whatever

I'm only going to be in Philly for less than two weeks. Getting the hell out of here. Thanks for the invite though. I hope to be enjoying the night scene much much more in the near future. smile
Well look who's posted again. If some of the spacing seems off, blame my space bar, it's been acting weird lately.

It seems that I'm just a tad overdue for another post.

Well, where to begin. Not like it matters, it's been the usual for me.

The bank has been screwing me big time. Well, maybe not the bank, but somebody is. My account with...
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Ok...ok...so I'm a little late with the whole weekly update thing....I think. Anyway...here goes.

Well, this past 'week' has been pretty bland. No burlesque shows or hot concerts. Just work and sleep. Well, there was a little more mixed in then I'm letting on.

As we all know, Valentines Day came and went, and for most of us, it wasn't a big event. Just like...
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But on the bright side...it's springtime! biggrin
Hey! It's that time again. The weekly update.

Well, this week was quite a riot. I went to SGB on wednesday at the Troc in Philly. Hot, hot stuff. My had goes off to all the girls involved in the show. And who was that band that was on right before the girls came out? Ya know, the wanna be "Rolling Stones" band? They were...
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I know you!! smile
no, my scalp is just on attack from having tight braids in it... it's not eating my cereal thankfully!

mm cereal sounds really fucking good right now....
And once again, I return for my weekly banter, which gets read by.....three people....tops. ANYWAY...

Works still sucks in some aspects. No promotion. No raise (yet). But that's fine by me. I'm still high enough on the food chain that I can bark out orders, but low enough on the radar that I don't get in trouble for anything. Lets just say I'm comfortable in...
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Sounds like you have a lot going on. That's always good. Boredom is dangerous... Good luck with your business venture. What kind of clothing store is it?

Have fun tomorrow night. I will be wishing I was there. frown

As for the guy, there's a rather blatant hint on their band website that implies a girlfriend. My friends were trying to convince me that it could have been an old post and the site hadn't been updated in a while, but I have my doubts. Oh well.
That is so weird because I just watched the first part of that movie today when I was bored! My favorite scene is the questions match - when Rosencrantz juggles then drops the ball and feather... It is hilarious. biggrin
Well, I'm back, with my weekly update (or not so weekly...I dunno).

This week, I started writing my Wolfman's Howl article on a little site called X-Net. It's mainly for sports buffs and wrestling fans. Things like that. It's something to do in my off time.

I didn't get the promotion at work. My buddy Chris ended up getting the job. I was a little...
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Thanks. smile Sometimes all you need is a little empathy. I'm starting to get things sorted out a bit. Being out of my house helps a lot.

May I just say, that is one creepy profile pic. eeek

More snow on the way, so stay safe!
No SGB for me. frown I would like to go, but I have class early the next day and it's kind of a pain for me to get into Philly (I live slightly outside the city). Plus, I would have to go alone, which is never fun. Are you in the Philly area? I have no idea where Bridgeport is.

Take care, dude. wink