I watched Butterfly effect last night and enjoyed it which resulted in a post in the occult group abotu time travel ah time travel. But whats up with me today, I suppose I likely still owe something interesting given that the dancing monkey post was not commented upon. I have an IKEA catalogue. I got home from work and there it was in all its...
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In writing in the various threads and groups I have become a part of the trend has become noticeable to identify myself. When this comes up I become awash with wordpictures and am left reeling until my innerself rises through the madness to declare with finality that I am I.
i thought you might find this interesting.

Aimless Wandering: Chuang Tzu's Chaos Linguistics

[Edited on Aug 13, 2004 2:54PM]
I am thinking today about strength versus the appearance of strength. I know far too many loud obnoxious people who have misguided confused loud and obnoxious with strength. Or the appraoch of mistaknely taking an image or outfit or pose as either strong or weak based merely on superficial characteristics, gender stereotypes and preconceived indoctrination into what is strong. Strength imho is not defined nor...
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Asshole suits. Hmmm... is that a DKNY thing or does Hilfiger do it?

Although I am with you on the idea that maybe we're assholes cause we don't know what else to be. (Did you notice how I made you an asshole right along with me? Clever huh?)
I teach psychiatric rehabilitation. Hence the acute perceptual capcity for seeing my own assholeness and that of the folks around me. (Kidding - I don't know shit about the human race, even after spending 25 years trying to help it heal.)
And the crowd shouted 'dance monkey' and the monkey danced, his eyes cast down forlornly his feet a bloody mess, he danced as the coins rattled in the grinders cup and spit flew through the gaps in the crooked teeth of the gawking onlookers as they shouted their profanities.

And we call ourselves civilized.
I was at a bar one night and two girls were talking about I don't know waht. My friend scoffs in general and rolls his eyes at the vapid conversation. I say but it doens't matter. What? he asks. Simple it doesn't matter what they talk about everyone thing is just as profound or shallow as every other thing. It is ourselves and our minds...
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I agree. Say something interesting...
And the crowd shouted 'dance monkey' and the monkey danced, his eyes cast down forlornly his feet a bloody mess, he danced as the coins rattled in the grinders cup and spit flew through the gaps in the crooked teeth of the gawking onlookers as they shouted their profanities.

And we call ourselves civilized.