"False prophecies doesn't mean prophecies are true."
-- The Long Winters
"Have you seen the loneliness of a middle distance runner?"
-- Belle & Sebastian
I'm just getting into B&S, any song suggestions?
"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases."
-- Thomas Jefferson

That kids, is why I am a Republican. Those few of you that check my profile know I usually let the quotes speak for themselves, but so few know what the core values of...
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"I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."
-- Groucho Marx
"The short weekend begins with longing..."
-- American Splendor
Ah, man, no. I was working at Estelle's Friday night. I do Nola's Wed-Thurs 10pm-whenever; Estelle's Fri 6p-12a, and Sun 6p-3a

"That which does not kill you will only make you stronger"
i keep hearing that, but i am not so sure!
get together to talk about cuban over some booze? anytime. let me know. but it'll be cheaper if we do it at estelle's, since i work there.

let me know.
"When you raise your pencil skirt like a veil before my eyes..."
-- Pencil Skirt, Pulp
he didn't make money because of the market per se, just because of the .com market boom. however, in his defense, he's about doubled his money since yahoo bought our company. mainly, he knew everything was about to come crashing down, and he shorted the fuck out of young technology companies and made another fuck ton of money in the last 4 years or whatever since the .com bubble burst.

i didn't catch the dennis miller thing, but i wouldn't have minded seeing it. mark amuses the shit out of me. yes, to some degree he's a lucky idiot, but he actually has some damn good ideas and intuitions. i worked for him for 5 years and i can say that despite how much of an idiot he seems to be, he'll surprise you with how much he understands -- he just thinks a different way than most people do. without him, there's no way our company would have taken off the way it did, and there's no way we would have sold to yahoo for as much as we did, if at all. but it wasn't all mark -- our other foudner, todd wagner, was like mark's counterpoint. where mark was visionary and unbelievably enthusiastic, todd was level-headed and rational. it took both personalities for us to succeed.

and as much as he drove me fucking insane on a daily basis, i'd work for him again. the dude knows how to make money, pure and simple.
"He's only a skeleton, his body is a series of points with no height, length, width."
--Minutemen, One Reporter's Opinion
"Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue."
--Steve McCrosky, Airplane!
"Sometimes you eat the bar, and well, sometimes the bar eats you"
-- the stranger, The Big Lebowski
is that some kind of eastern thing?
Far from it.
"Congressman Kucinich is holding up a pie chart, which is not truly effective on radio"
-- NPR presidential debate moderator Neal Conan (1/6/2004)
i listened to that debate...... that was hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!

hey man when is that metal pour on the 17th.... what kind of metal ?
Thanks for leaving me a message on my journal! Things are going a bit better now... We are going out tonight with more friends and kinda have to get along or we look like jerks in front of abunch of people!