Well I had a fun time at Havana and a great Comfest weekend. After seeing all of you again and meeting new people, end up seeing many of you at the Hell City Booth at Comfest at different times during my trek back and forth from the Offramp stage to home or my friends booth. Also saw Fauna on High Street Friday and sucoF on...
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yeah yeah, forget me! i see how you are! wink
we fuckin rock' mad
Well the Melt Banana show was great, but not necessarily their best show I have ever been to. A pretty good turnout for them, unlike the average of 15 people at my last two shows there, which shows that band's popularity. Next show there will be Carrie Rodriguez with Tim Easton, since I usually try to catch Tim whenever he is back in town. Also...
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My Saturdays belong to work frown
Well tonight, I go to the soon to be closed Little Brothers to see a band that is always great to see live, Melt Banana. I have only seen them a few times since it seemed I was always out of town whenever they were here. But at least I get to see them one last time at Little Brothers.
man, i was in columbus yesterday. i should have stuck around for the show, dammit!
how was it?
Well haven't posted lately since I am still adjusting to this new layout. I have been to a few shows at Little Brothers like Mary Timony of Helium and The Broken West/The Comas both of which had dismal turnouts, even with people know this club is closing it doors the first Sunday of July. The schedule for Comfest is finally up so time to plan...
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meitv will see you there mad
Well went to a show Thursday at Little Brothers and hardly anyone was there, so even with it closing, not helping some shows. They were selling a reworking of the Stache's/Little Brothers shirts they sometimes sold and it will benefit Dan Dougan. Last night went to a friend and her co-workers birthday party/cookout. It was her 30th and she seemed to not be fazed by...
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i wish i could make it to cbus to see Overated tonight in cbus, but no dice!
Thanks! biggrin
Well, a big turnout for Ishkabibble, Scrawl, Earwig and The Lindsay Saturday at Little Brothers. I really enjoyed The Lindsay's set and of course it is always great to see Scrawl play out again. Now just have to pick my shows towards the end of Little Brothers. Money will play some part since I can't go to all, much like with the demise of Stache's...
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I adore the song "jumpers" by sleaterkinney.
thanks for commenting on my debut set! i really appreciate it smile
Well I had fun at Havana, and too much to drink as usual, but got a head start that night since I had to meet some people at B.Hamptons earlier. It was great to see everyone again and meet some new people. Last night I went to the opening downtown of Betty's/Surly Girl owner's latest creation, The Tip Top Kitchen & Coctails. It will be...
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have a good one.....nice to talk to ya again...
Happy Birthday!
Well, survived another Gallery Hop with my hardcore drinking artist friend showing up. He always introduces himself to other artists as someone who used to paint since he only does it a few times a year if that anymore. But the fact that he can still paint such amazing things even after such long dry spells still makes him an artist to me, since Lord...
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i still cant believe Little Brothers is closing!
Well Thursday night I went to see (or rather was dragged in as the doorman's guest) Los Straitjackets with Big Sandy at Little Brothers. Then on Friday I received my sad e-mail from Little Brothers about them probably closing in the summer. Friday night I checked out The Union's new spot at Frezno's/Zolas old location and of course it was packed. So I may wait...
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That girl? or the girl i was making out with? the girl i was making out with isn't crazy but THAT girl (above) was! wink
i'll have to avoid union on nights when she works if that's true.
crazy girl was at least entertaining!

im most likely gonna be in cbus may 10th - 12th, and i still may even come out next week for nashville pussy, i havent decided on that one yet! ya ever go see shows @ bernies?
Well, went to Little Brothers last night to an Earthday Benefit really just ot see my friends play, since they haven't done that in awhile since the drummer recently got married. But it was good to see them and hear some new music from them. I really wasn't into the later "jam" bands so snuck over to Surly Girl with a friend to see some...
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there is a really sweet all day punk show @ the high five on may 19th, i'll be there!
I wanted to stop at little brothers but I didn't get the chance.

Lucky bum.