I think maybe part of why I've always been drawn to the alternative scene is that we go through painful procedures to represent our insides on our outside. To separate ourselves from everyone else. To be individuals.

I mean I also kind of grew up in an alternative household. I never knew my dad because of some of his anti-government and anti-war ideals. My mom...
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Science kids!
I guess I've had a weird occupational path. I didn't graduate high school because of my 2+ year absence but around when I was 18 I got my GED which at the time was like an equivalent to a high school diploma in California. I was into motorcycles and had a Triumph, a Moto Guzzi, a Bultaco, and a little Yamaha rat bike. I was working with some family friends doing construction and got into a motorcycle accident. Without insurance it kinda sucked so I decided to start an apprenticeship in carpentry. I was a carpenter for around 10 years and worked on some of the major buildings in San Francisco. After my injury I had to change professions, went to school and got into software development. At some point I got bored because my job had become too focused on one thing and I need to always be learning. So I left and went back to school and got into biology and chemistry and landed in biotechnology. I spent years learning, eventually teaching, and eventually into development all with the same company. The company grew, merged, was bought. During all this I met a person whome I owe a lot to. I was put on a team of a few people who were to go out to Maryland and transfer this product line from our merger partner to our lab back in California. The manager of that lab had been there since the beginning, was a PhD, and knew literally everything about their process. So over the next year or so we worked a lot together and he was going to relocate out to California at the end of the transfer and start a new R&D group. During all this time I was practically living at the lab. I remember looking back at my work hours for that year and my shortest day of the whole year was 9.75 hours. I eventually had to sign a waiver saying that I would forfit my second meal break if I worked over 8 hours and eventually got in trouble with HR for repeatedly signing out past 12 hours. I'd sometimes get around this by starting my shift on one day and finishing on another. I could almost work like 23.75 hours if I did this, but I don't think I ever went past like 12 or 13. I was running quality control, robotics, and purification then planning the lab layout, writing SOPs and batch records, meeting with engineering and QA, sourcing vendors. On top of all that I didn't want to leave the committees that I was part of so kept up on those. It was kind of during a bit of a lull in the work that the manager and I went for a walk around the campus. We talked. He wasn't aware of how much I was doing so I let him know. He asked me a bunch of questions. Those kind of like "ok, this and then this happens, what do you do?" "How do you diagnose and fix this?" Anyway. Like a few months later I got a promotion that I had been working hard towards for like 2 years. A friend who was in management told me that the PhD had recommended me and really was the main reason that I didn't get passed on. It was kind of the first time in my life where I felt smart. I felt confident in my abilities. I never did well in school. I always tested well, but my lack of home work would drag my grades down. I understood everything. I just thought it was dumb to make me do more of the same shit at home. Test me, I'll get an A or B. But I'd always drop a point for "lack of participation". So I'd often work with people with a bachelors, masters, or sometimes a PhD from some really impressive schools and feel inadequate. Until I met a PhD who thought I deserved a promotion above all of them. Anyways. After that I did get some more nods to what I do. I ended up training most of the department. I'd hear from different places that people liked me as a trainer because I could easily identify when someone needed more help or less. Faster or slower. "You got this?", "ok, let's go.". Or "ok, what are you struggling with? Let's work it out.". Always positive reinforcement. You can do this. So. I love science.

I find it endlessly amusing that my SO can be an asshole about something but I can't.


So looking over receipts for the past month I noticed something, generally I spend about 2x on pet food than I do on my food. Plus I'm a vegetarian but I buy about $40 in meat a month at the butchers so that I can either give raw meat to my cat or cook meat for my cat and dog. I guess that's what a...
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I think that’s our innate nature to spoil our furbies before ourselves 😭💞
You next pet will be a rabbit or other vegetarian kawaii

Damn! So Covid-19 fucked up my plans for getting into a new place in March. Then I finally get into a new place in late May and start growing plants and some small food items on my balcony. My dog and cat finally get used to the balcony and start enjoying their time out there in the sun. Then California catches fire (along with most...
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💞💞💞 *hugs back*
2020 was fucking hard on all of us, I think. 😢 I hated it, but it definitely had its silver linings. I hope 2022 is treating you better.

FTW or FML. I seem to vacillate between the two. 😐


Furry babies sometimes..... It wasn't even 7am and I already had poop and pee on my hands. I love them, but sometimes..... ugh!

I have 2 @kalani_. A cat and a dog. The dog is only 4 lbs though so he's more like an uncoordinated cat that barks. Although I'm pretty sure he sees himself as a great dane.
😹😹 d’awww that’s too cute! I would love to see pics of them
@chroi pour vous (just cause)
-1 Height? 5'11"
-2 Virgin? Yes, I do occasionally drink non alcoholic drinks.
-3 do you smoke? Just smog on occasion.
-4 do you drink? Every day. Mostly water or tea.
-5 age you get mistaken for? 20 or 21, but mostly by myself.
-6 any tattoos? Sure.
-7 any piercings? 1
-8 best friend? Chi Chi. She's a cat....
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thanks soo much for doing this! chi chi is such a cute name for a cat! Hugs to all the introverts yay! xx