I hate work, it sucks all the enjoyment out of life and replaces it with bitterness. I really want to quit but nooo, I need the money. Come to think of it, I hate money too, damn you money and damn everyone for not making everything I want free.
I decided I need to quit my job and start work at an adult store. that would be great.
I actually asked a girl on a date today, actually I asked he if she'd like to get a bit to eat sometime (or something along those lines).

Surprisingly I didn't get a No, which I expected, nor did I get a yea, I got a maybe. Its been my experience that maybe is the same as no, and it's usually easy to tell. But...
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A date? I think I read an article about those things in a book once.
Three day journalism conferences for school are tiring, especially when you get drunk and don't get any sleep two of the three nights.

Overall though it was pretty fun, even if I chickened out on talking to some women, but at least I can say someone hit on me...too bad it was a guy.
"...too bad it was a guy."

Fucking classic.
Nick always goes to neuroscience conferences and I wonder why he gets drunk almost every night there (and so do many other people) it just doesn't seem like an enviromnent condusive to drinking. neuroscience does not equal party, to me.
I don't know why but every time my friend tells me she got drunk recently it bugs me, this strange feeling washes over me and I'm not exactly sure what that feeling is or why I'm feeling it. I have other friends that get drunk more often (by other I mean 1 maybe 2, but that's half my friends right there) but it doesn't bug...
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Urg, I HATE it when people are rude to employees, i shoulda written about THAT in my entry, too. Yesterday there were two guys standing behind me in line in the school's little cafe thingie and it was lunchtime, so of course it was very busy and slow, but they kept saying horrible things about how slow the help was and basically calling them stupid, and they didn't STOP even when they were right in front of the people, insulting them to their face. I wanted to punch them.
wow! what a coincidence! i live in a shit-hold town about 40 minutes north-east of sacramento! (depending on how you drive though...it's really more like an hour...) yay for shit-hole towns...

xo ramona
I have absolutely nothing of worth to say. In fact the only thing I have to say at all is that I bought some cd's yesterday since I have more money than I thought I had. Yay for extra money.

Oh and tomato.
You need to check out the links page on the furnature porn website. The leggo porn is the best.

No not tomato! *runs away*
I wonder where they found that leggo penis.
Grrr...I'm mad. I was supposed to go see the Realistics and The Mooney Suzuki play in SF next moth, but the show was cancelled for some reason. Oh well, maybe I can actually afford the new Game Boy now though I should probably just save the money.
I hate how the gameboys are so small these days. And cool colors to boot (hehe boot).
*shaky old person's voice* Back in my day the gameboy was almost as big as the X-box is today! And it only came in one color!
I told this to a kid, and they didn't believe me.

[Edited on Mar 25, 2003]
I'm in music heaven right now. not only did I just pick up Ben Harpers new cd, but the new White Stripes cd comes out on April Fools, and I'm going to two concerts in April, yay.
Oh yes. Sorry time stands still.

Well, in certain places it does tongue

Cherry xx
you like music? check out the kittens.
La De Da...I don't have anything to say since I lead a boring life.
why must you hate us aliens...errr not that I am one...what I mean to say is....ummm...Zarg Dammit...
Hey thanks for your input on the Fugazi album. Most people say 13. I'll probably buy it. I've never gotten into them because anything I've heard sounds kinda all the same but so many who's taste I respect tell me how great they are so I'm determined to buy an album and give a fair listen.
You'd think I'd learn to do my homework ahead of time, but no, here I am doing it the night before it's due. Hell I'm not even doing it, I'm wasting my time here...
Oh, I am so like that aswell. Thank god I'm not in school anymore...

Cherry xx
true. I also have a rat named Pi (after 3.14...)but it sounds like pie. and I had one named Twinkie POD (we would call her kinky pod, stinky pod, dinky pod, escape pod, etc. And the rat in my pic is named Kiwi (after the bird). the rest of my rats were named after gods or gay vampires.
I'm not sure if this is new or old news, but it's new to me.

I just read an article on yahoo news about a man that got arrested in a mall because he refused to take off a shirt that said "Give peace A Chance."

That really pisses me off. I'm not actually mad at the cops, they were just doing their job because...
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Awww thanks smile

I can't change it though... we SGs don't have that power confused

Well, thanks for the advice... I'll save it in my advice jar for when it's useful wink
