Wanting something you can never have... sort of like an itch you can never scratch. Tonight a girl who was a complete shit to me asked if we could be friends again. Eh, I did the best I could to be a dick to her because, frankly, she was really mean to me and doesn't deserve my friendship. Sometimes you have to draw a line in the sand of your kindness and ability to forgive. But she has nothing to do with the itch. The itch is a girl I met by accident. Everyone i have spoken with that knows her or has had some kind of relationship with her has told me she is insane... figures. But as per par for my usual tastes, I like her. But, alas, it will never be. She's too young and I'd rather start a relationship with someone that I don't have to go to couples therapy with before we've even had a first date.
Thank you for the comment!
i love love love love you.. you're the best damn friend !!!!! new update with our triple fire dragon transfer blowing posted and glamorous