While I love the new layout of this site from a visual standpoint, I keep running into oddball things that I don't understand - like why some photo sets offer a link and give credit to the photographer, and some don't? I feel like every set should have a link or label for the photographer, I believe the old site did this.

It is cool, but I personally wouldn't like my set to be linked to a photographer's website or Facebook page, just in case someone tagged or mentioned my real name in the comments, or something along those lines. I guess it's all up to the photographer and the model and can be agreed upon. :)
I think the photographer link just brought up other sets on SG by the same person. I understand some girls still want to remain anonymous to some degree, I think that can be respected too. Anyways, it was just a thought... the sites still new, I'm sure there are tons of plans as it evolves, curious to see where it's headed!