Hey you still alive in SG Land?...
So you are back! Hott. I was thinking you were being more "professional" and all that... Hell, I even own a real pair of shoes now... Yeah, scary huh? Well, hope you're having a good night Venn!
Good luck! And the last word I would use to describe that table is "crappy."
hey hey take it easy. no need to get yourself shot.
Thanks for the set comment! kiss
AWSOME i found ATHF on tv ... although when i asked someone here about adult swin , hahhahaha they thought i was being kinky hahahahhahahahaha
why the hell cant i wake up in the morning ,,?? I keep doing this damn zombie thing of ( im guessing) waking up at 9 30 and turning my alarm clock off then finially waking up at 12-1 ish with no recall of it ... dammit
then the whole day is gone ,,,, and its so beautiful these days ,, arg

got some betta...
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little update since i only seem to get around to writing about once a month hmm... whatever
oh well calling all canadians,,,, Just moved to toronto, and after a 30 hour drive in my trusty little saturn, Venus my poor dogs refuse to get in the car anymore.. thanks to some leftover ritalin which magically manifested at the bottom of an old purse i found while...
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Back from germany .,.. drove to italy, (rome venice tuscany sienna etc. ) ,,, 9 hr drive and 40 grad heat , camping in 14century ruins .... and angry spagetti eaters pre finial world cup game kept giving us the finger ( okok our own fault we refused to take down our german flag) ,,,,, made it to AMSTERDAM heheh ..i think i know where...
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i am so incredibly, ridiculously jealous!

i hope you had an amazing time!
did u liked rome and tuscany?
It finially hit me while looking at apartments in toronto. I am going to miss the fuck out of florida. The beach, the parks, the sunshine, ill admit this whole fuck florida thing was all a facade. Im actually sad for the first time since i got accepted to the school. dammit dammit being sentimental is not my thing, but i defintely had tears at...
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packing sucks movinog sucks.. im super excited though
hope my stuff makes it to canada.. ahh

loggerhead turtles have made it to treasure island beach to nest!!!!! whoohooooo go natal homing ,,,,,,, its a miracle considering the amount of fucking condos and obnoxious tourists that inhabit that beach day and night....

PO ( the friend who shot the awsome choirgirl and TCM pics in...
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what the fuck is up with them using the term "catch and release" to refer to immigrants the find who they dont have room in the detention centers ,,, thats some fucked fucked fucked up dehumanizing shit.. damn.. can i take my mexican home and have him mounted on the wall instead ? shit is sick what the hell is up woth that...... random rant sorrrrrry just heard that on CNN.. thats why i dont watch tv arg. mad
cOuntdown to crazy ass traveling!! 5 days until i go to las vegas ( convention) then germany ( cousins wedding) then toronto ( sisters graduation and apartment hunting for me), then bahamas ( home to visit and relax).. THEN back to tampa to pack up and get ready for the road trip to toronto where i will be living for the next four years (...
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I love your new tattoo the colours are so vibrant and its such a unique design.