I have got to get a new picture! I am so sick of this one! I have to find one where I don't look like such a psycho! Well I'm off to take my uncle to radiation frown I'll update more soon!
kiss kiss kiss

P.S. I forgot to tell you I got tickets to see NIN in September!
I am so excited I could die! They're one of...
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That show is going to be great. I saw them once before. They put on a great show.
I didn't move, I'm just over in Bend/Redmond for a little while. Pretty, huh?

Anyway, cute maternity clothes...

Motherhood has some really cute stuff. At least the Motherhood store in Eugene does.

Old Navy has some cute stuff.

I can't really think of anywhere else right now, but if I do, I'll let you know.

Are you using the rubberband around the button on your pants trick?
SOOOO sorry kids I've been dealing with alot of shit lately and have neglcted all of you....I think I need a good spanking! wink MMMM, yes a good spanking that sounds nice! Well let's see what's new....nothing I'm pregnant and now offically have absolutly NO LIFE! GRRRR mad I miss going out and drinking and chain smoking. Mabey I'm too selfish to be having a baby...not alot...
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Well glad to hear that you are doing well. Now you just have find ways to go out without drink and smoking.

Don't be such a stranger ok.
I love you.... kiss The only thing that sucks about the computer is I have to go to my sister's house to log on. Oh well, It felt good to throw it out the door! smile
blahhhhhh.... puke being pregnant sucks! I can't get full when I eat and all I want is a white russian and a FUCKING smoke!!!! kiss kiss kiss
I'm sorry you were feeling icky. Are you better now? Being pregnant can sure be a pain in the ass, but it's cool at the same time. I hope you get to enjoy it a little, between all the sucky parts. kiss
So I swear to god my life keeps getting stranger and stranger....it's fated I think that I don't ever get to update this thing! When I do lately it's always with major news....Wednsday I took my favorite Uncle to the Doctor for a check up...they ordered a CT scan for the next day after the CT they said there was a finding and we'd have...
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Sorry to hear about your uncle. Hope everything else is going great for you.
So.....it's been a long while, sorry kids this last month has been hectic to say the least! First off I spent the first three weeks working with enoch on a huge job redoing the consessions area at a local movie theater.He's a finish carpenter in case I have'nt said. Since the job was at a theater we couldn't start our day till midnight!! frown Then after...
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Congrats on the news.
Holy cow! shocked

Congratulations!! smile

I hope enoch is taking the news okay. My ex didn't take it so good when we found out I was pregnant, and I ended up feeling very alone. frown I expect things will be better for you, but if you ever need anything, I'll be here. kiss
Not alot to update on...other than we had our truck repoed, then the shame of having it rescued by my mother in-law! blackeyed Yikes!!! How humbling. So now we are in debt to the in-laws for $1,300.00 ugh! Now my mother in-law has thirteen hundred reasons to lecture me. JOY! Also have to drive 8 hours trapped in a car with MY mother to go to...
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That sucks about your truck.

I hope you survive your drive. Why did you decide to go if you thought you would have a crappy time? confused

Too bad you won't be around this weekend. I think some of my girlfriends and I are going out in Portland on Friday. Maybe Dante's or Devil's Point. It would be cool to meet you and your hubby.

Anyway...hope you have a not-so-horrible time with your mom! biggrin
Being stuck in a car for 8 hours. That is something that totally stinks.
For some reason it has seemed so difficult for me to drag my lazy fat ass to the computer lately and update this damn thing....I have no other excuse than I'm LAZZZY, and also I've been feeling very antisocial and sick of the human race in general. Don't take it personal (most of my friends do), It's just that I can get very sick of...
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I get antisocial a lot. And I absolutely HATE it when people try to force to get over it. I LIKE to be alone sometimes. I'm assuming you do to. On the other hand, if you're antisocial cause your depressed, that's bad. Are you okay?

Not trying to be nosy....just checking. kiss
Hope you and enoch have a safe and fun holidaY weekend! smile
UGH! SOOO SORRY I haven't updated...it seems like the last week or so has been CRAZY!!! For someone who doesn't work I've had alot of shit to do. mad Let's see...some dumb mother fucker with no insurance hit our truck (his fault) and also gave a fake address and phone # mad mad mad mad .So now we have no way of tracking him down to pay our deductible of...
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I hope you find the little prick. Have a great weekend! smile
I'm sorry to hear about your truck. Some people are such assholes! Hopefully he'll get what he deserves.

I was in Portland yesterday for some school stuff. That drive is gonna kill me next year. puke

Hope you have a good weekend! kiss kiss
GRRR! Sorry it taken so long to update but our computer went out and it's been a giant fucking mess! I HATE COMPTERS!!!!! So lets see whats new.....Nothing how boring am I other than the computer shit not a damn thing exciting has happened, Stayed home last weekend,,,poor, spent too munch money$$$ @ the strip club the prior two weekends frown . Oh well at least...
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Sorry about the computer. They can sure be a pain in the ass sometimes.

What clubs do you two go to? I've never been out in Portland, but I used to go to STARZ all the time in Bend. I've gone to the one in Salem a couple times, but didn't like it as much.

Hope the money situation improves, and you guys can have a fun filled weekend! biggrin
Hey, thanks for all the recommendations! wink

I hope your computer didn't crap out again.

Hope you're having a good week!

PS....Update, update, update. biggrin
So here we are another boring day tongue tongue Got in my first fight with enoch GRRRRR mad . No offense to all you guys out there but I need to vent!!!! Guys ARE SO STUPID sometimes! So he calls me @ 5:30pm to say he'll be home shortly (I like to know when so I can have dinner ready) . Then the hours began to tick by...
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Hey cutie, have great weekend! smile . Yes, we guys can be very stupid at times.
Hope you had a good weekend! kiss