Do you ever look around and realize there are so many strangers? I'm driving the freeway right now. There's not a lot of traffic, but I watch the cars pass by and the thought occurred to me. I don't know these people and I may never see them again. Ships passing in the night. And this gets me thinking about how large the world is...
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What am I to do? I feel like I need a change in my life. My life has gotten stale. I need a change but I can't put my finger on exactly what I want to change. I know I want a new job. I've been doing the same thing for years and I'm ready for a new challenge but I don't know what to...
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To be where you've never been, you need to do what you've never done. Try to see what opportunities you have for re-posting: how far away; what should there be a big city or a single house for two kilometers around; mountains or forest; what would you do if you were there; the approximate cost of moving and how long will it take you to collect everything you need? Just start planning...at least make a game out of it.
I'm sorry, but there is no correct answer to this question. You just need to start being who you want to be right now.

Someone asked me about my screen name and where it came from. I love it, personally. It's a silly reason but here it goes. Think of going to a party or a get-together. You've got your drinks. Maybe it's just soda and water, maybe it's some beer, or maybe it's your favorite liquor. Then you've got your music. It gets people going. The right music...
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I've decided that I need to express my creativity more. I need an outlet and writing is it. I've always wanted to write a novel so maybe I'll do that. Or maybe I'll write more here. I love to write and while some days are better than others, words typically come easily.... while writing. Speaking? Not always. But I tend to express myself better in...
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Hey, I relate to this so much! Maybe you'd be interested in the weekly writing prompts, here (or any of the threads in the Writers' group): https://www.suicidegirls.com/groups/writers/all/585511/
It's great that you decided to write more. Be sure to practice and post your creativity.

It's raining where I live today. I don't mind the rain. In fact, I love the rain. I love waking up to the sound of it, I love hearing it hit the roof, and I love looking out my office window and watching it fall. A colleague of mine said she needed a sunny day, but I told her I needed a rainy day to...
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It always raining in the place that i live 😅 but yes i love rain too haha

I got to thinking today. I've been trying to figure out my next move in life. I don't enjoy the job I have but I've been doing it for so long, I don't know what else I could do. Anyhow I got to thinking about younger me, living in a big city alone, trying to figure out my life. I guess some things never change....
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I got sad for some reason. Many reasons actually but just one of those things. So I put aside the project I'm working on and went to my car to spend some lunch time alone. I started scrolling this site and noticed how happy people are. Even when you're being sultry without a smile, the happiness shines through. And that made me happy. I like...
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Same to you, my friend.

I'm driving home thinking about friends, or my lack of. This isn't a pity post about how I don't have friends. It's about how I'm picky when it comes to calling someone a friend. To me a friend is someone I can trust with whatever is going on in my head and they would trust me the same. A friend knows what I need before...
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Only such people are worth holding on to.

Hi there. Thanks for reading. I'm not much of a writer but I've enjoyed getting some thoughts out at random times at this random site. I'm enjoying a cocktail and when I have a drink I get misty-eyed and nostalgic. Does that happen to you? I get thinking about the past and where I am now, the good and the bad. I guess it's a...
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Nostalgia is almost my best friend

It's kindness Tuesday. What is it? It's something I just made up. I was overseeing a project at work today and I told someone they did a great job with a difficult situation. The person smiled and gave me a genuine "thank you." I don't always think about thanking someone for doing their job but I should. And I should do a better job of...
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