Voting is a right and a priveledge, don't take it for granted.
CT residents: NO ON 1!!
CA residents: NO ON 8!!
YES ON 2!!
I'm voting for Obama b/c
I would like to see money in my 401k again
I would like my taxes to be lowered and I do NOT want taxes to be lowered for the very wealthy - the trickle down theory doesn't work, I've been waiting since Reagan...
I would like it to be easier for those that need it to get low cost healthcare - I would like someone to hold prescription drug companies accountable
I would like the right to marry
I would like religion to stay in the church as opposed to being taught in schools.
I would like to stop hearing the phrase "we are a Christian nation", NOT EVERYONE IS CHRISTIAN AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT.
I would like to maintain my reproductive rights
I would like the soldiers to come home in a timely fashion, and someone who will ackowledge that we never belonged there in the first place
I would like a president that inspires people to get off of their ass and do something.
I would like a VP I can put my faith in should anything tragic happen to the Pres as opposed to a right wing radical wackadoodle brainless pageant queen who likes to hunt from a helicopter. Being an idiot who is not able to answer questions does not make you a maverick; it makes you an idiot.
Voting is a right and a priveledge, don't take it for granted.
CT residents: NO ON 1!!
CA residents: NO ON 8!!
YES ON 2!!
I'm voting for Obama b/c
I would like to see money in my 401k again
I would like my taxes to be lowered and I do NOT want taxes to be lowered for the very wealthy - the trickle down theory doesn't work, I've been waiting since Reagan...
I would like it to be easier for those that need it to get low cost healthcare - I would like someone to hold prescription drug companies accountable
I would like the right to marry
I would like religion to stay in the church as opposed to being taught in schools.
I would like to stop hearing the phrase "we are a Christian nation", NOT EVERYONE IS CHRISTIAN AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT.
I would like to maintain my reproductive rights
I would like the soldiers to come home in a timely fashion, and someone who will ackowledge that we never belonged there in the first place
I would like a president that inspires people to get off of their ass and do something.
I would like a VP I can put my faith in should anything tragic happen to the Pres as opposed to a right wing radical wackadoodle brainless pageant queen who likes to hunt from a helicopter. Being an idiot who is not able to answer questions does not make you a maverick; it makes you an idiot.
I didn't get a button 

My state went blue
It made me smile.