Hey sg world. As you prolly noticed ive been inactive on this site for over a year now and I must say after coming back im very disappointed at the new layout and lack of features. Theres no chat and not easy to work your way around. Admin and moderators could you please send me details on how I can cancel my membership.
This site is fucked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I quite like it. There are quite a few missing features, but they are slowly reappearing as the devs sort shit out. Chat being gone is shit, but that happened independently of the new site, since the chat provider shut down.
I'm noticing newbs are finding this version of the site much easier to use. I mean I'm spending far less time explaining how to do things here, and the @veehaitch tagging thing is fucking awesome.