well this weekend is going to be a total wash. i have to work every day frown i did get to see the hills have eyes last night. pretty good one of the better horror remakes. if any of you read this you'll notice i changed my alias. i changed it because you have killed me is my current aural obsession. i really wish i had...
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I looked for you on iM but you left me, loser. wink kiss kiss kiss I'm plotting a massive update after responding to all of my comments, so hold off a while. We need to schedule better. kiss
How the fuck is your leg? Brokeback, you. I'll tell you about my weekend when we chat. It was good. Every day is a weekend now, I insist. kiss kiss kiss
They're gonna lay me low (Lay me low)
They're gonna sink me in the snow
They're gonna throw back their heads and crow
When I go
They're gonna jump and shout (Lay me low)
They're gonna wave their arms about
All the stories will come out
When I go
All the stars will glow bright (Lay me low)
And my friends will give up the...
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Hi hi! Let's see, big plans...big plans big plans... I have training at the aquarium on Saturday morning, I'm going for greek food with friends tomorrow night...and that's about it. Oh yeah, I'm gonna start painting my room. It's gonna be a dark red, like the color of laquer, with a black border at the top and a gold stripe through the black. The door will be gold. I have sliding closet doors and on each will be half a circle and there'll be a carp on each one, one up, one down, typical yin-yang thing, but super detailed in a dark pond, etc. Yay!
How bout you?
See, there's a movie that would make me quit my job. I have no desire to see that movie as it would give me nightmares forever. If there are movies you don't wish to see, are you allowed able to shut yourself off in that little booth? Say, via a curtain and a volume button? Are you allowed to push play and the leave the booth, or do you just have to beg a coworker to switch movies with you?
peel off our skin we're gonna burn what we were to the ground. fuck in the fire and we'll spread all the ashes around. I wanna kill away the rest of what's left. and I do. yes I do.


also to anyone who reads this and appreciates good music. go buy the album I am a bird now by antony and the johnsons....
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How many times have you seen NIN now?

I haven't heard the album. But I know it's critically acclaimed. Incidentally, Antony and the Johnsons won the Mercury award last year for I am a bird now.
I hate red x's. mad
Well they're in my pics under Aminals. smile
Hope all is well.

it has been a rough week i have the worst case of insomnia i've ever had. i work midnights so i'm usually really tired when i get home. now i usually get home at around 5-6 a.m. and am usually asleep by 7:30. lately this week i haven't been able to fall asleep until 2-3 in the...
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Insomina's so frustrating. And that sucks about the record store. I have to make a trek to Second Spin myself. Luckily San Diego has some pretty killer used record stores...and there's this place in Encinitas I want to go to called Lou's Records...supposedly the end-all-be-all of used record stores. Plus it's next to Ducky Waddles, an art gallery/weird gift store. Maybe next weekend.
So you wanna got to Happyland, huh? *sigh* Life is so unfair. whatever

Oh, and I got aim now, didja see? Now let's see if I catch you when you're online. wink
I know what you mean. The acting wasn't as bad as in Attack of the Clones. But Hayden and Natalie were still unable to establish a rhythm.

And yes; Darth Vader's cry of anguish was embarrassing. It reminded me of Homer Simpson's trademark tormented cries he does on a regular basis in the Simpsons.

Still, it was better than the previous two prequels.
well a little over a week till i get to see NIN again and since they're my favorite band i think i'll throw some lyrics around in my updates. i dont have much else to say now, except that if a certain someone reads this (you know who you are) how about you let me know if you're alive or what.

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I know, I'm never around now! How sucky of me! I no longer have endless hours...more like two a day...which is when I do dishes and stuff...and I'm still getting used to this damn laptop. I've never used one and the keyboard is ITTYBITTY! And it has one of those damn little pressure-mouse buttons, and that's a trick too. My computer creates approach-avoidance. whatever But other than that, I'm good. smile How you?
The Decemberists are very folksy. They have a fairly unique vibe, which I think, sets them apart from the pack.

Have you got round to seeing Hidden yet? And don't forget about Lady Vengeance either.
well it's superbowl week here in detroit and being the football nerd i am i'm frigging excited and i have the weekend off it dosen't get any better than that. for once it really seems that detroit isn't the city everyone forgot and is alive and well with all the hoopla. after sunday though it all goes back to the way it was. frown anyway today...
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Thanks! I should have done this sooner, I love all the compliments! tongue
Boo! I'm back and I got wireless, woohoo! How are you?
well i guess it's time for another update. this week has been very uneventful, but i've been plagued by two very strange dreams this week. one involving a plane crash and the other involving hell, an exorcism and a high speed chase away from the dead with my friend. the thing about the high speed chase was my friend and i realized we were in...
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btw i dont even fucking snow board. sports are for people with skills.
I haven't really taken much notice of the other oscar nominations apart from Brokeback.

I'm looking forward to Capote. Catherine Keener is in that too. I like her style. Criminally overlooked in my opinion.

I saw Hidden tonight. You'll enjoy it. It's a good film. Very unsettling in places.
well the weekend is here finally and i'm on saturday thank the fucking maker. i'm going to see my best friend i haven't hung out with him since november, when we get together it usually consists of some form of drunken debauchery and or talking about the past (grew up with the guy been best friends 16 years now) also drunkenly. we have enough molson...
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Gone are the days when I used to have vivid dreams on a regular basis. But your dream is not unusal. People often dream about being in a traumatic situation, which is beyond their control. What does it mean? Well, I don't know. I'm not an authority on psychology. Perhaps there was something on your mind at the time?

Pornography in mainstream cinema? I'll have to think a little bit more about that one. I'll let you know what I think later on.

I have no idea what your last comment was but last week on Sanford & Son, Fred had a moment that I swear was straight from my life (thank God.). SO he comes downstairs and just tells Lamont

"I had a nightmare. It started out nice, one of those horra movies where the mad scientist brings back the dead and make her his friend. But then he falls in love with the thnig now isn't that disgusting?"

Godspeed today. I gotta work and go hit up my bootlegger. kiss biggrin
i really need to find a new job. i've been saying this for such a long time. last night at work was the final straw though my boss is such an annoying prick. he didn't even say anything to me just some really stupid comments he made to a co-worker. he's the biggest hypocrite asshole i've ever encountered. i'm really sick of hearing about his...
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Weird, I posted that pic at random; I didn't see your comment first. Crazay.

Look at this mug. This bitch screams "Fuck you nigger I came from a Godamned trash can!" JUST like Chappelle would say, same tone everything.

Ahhhhh I gotta Chauncy story. I made him look through the latest Cat Fancy (Playboy, cats, eh. I'm eclectic.) with me and he had good things to say, like he marveled "Those chumpies is cute. I like dem chumpies." Chumpy. What is this? Is it a little kid? B/c (please don't piss yourself) I was looking at Rap Snacks today, you've seen these right? Potato chips called Rap Snacks. They also now have Home Girls, which I knew about but I noticed now they also have Chumpies and there are little kids on the bag (I can't even go into Home Girls). Anyway, he said he likes black cats so I said "Me too, my 2 are black. Well they're from South Philly, you know."

He didn't even blink, though. Hmmm.

Yeah to lunch and YES she is HOT!!! Huh! eeek Such whoring pictures she takes, it's great.

You with Hathaway's boobs, filthy. I go for the spit scene, being a straight girl myself you know.
ok i was tagged by 4stella4star to do a survey so here goes.

1. As *nsync would say, God must have spent a little more time on you. What, exactly, did God spend more time on?

my eyes. i have very blue eyes, i get complimented on them more than anything.

2. If you had to start your own war against something, what would it...
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Fucking dolls. The movie that turned me against them was this one where there's this Barbarella type chick and she's on another planet and she meets all these silent, creepy, zombie-like kids and they all have dolls. They tie her up and she lets them like a dumbass because awww, they're kids at play. awww. Then they stand back and she begs to be released. They all wind up their dolls and set them on the floor where they do that horrifying little stiff-legged walk that toys do and they start chewing on her sexy legs with little mouthfuls of razor teeth and she's screaming and crying and that's when I ran out of the room doing the very same. What movie is that?
Volume two is supposed to be the same film. But the noticeable change in pace and style made it feel more like a sequel, instead of the final reel of volume one. That is my biggest gripe about volume two. The other criticisms are relatively minor compared to the that one.

OK, so the bride in volume one is not only a professional assassin, but is also a gifted martial artist and she's pretty handy with a sword, too. We agree on that point, right? Getting shot in the chest after opening the trailer door, in volume two, was an error worthy of a beginner. And she knew that Bud was sitting waiting for her to arrive!

Later on, before the bride is tutored by Pei Mei, Bill warns her that the martial arts master loathes 'sassy' women, especially Caucasian American women. So having absorbed that bit of info, it makes no sense toward the end of the film when it's blatantly obvious that Pei Mei taught Uma the five-point plam exploding heart technique.

And when she does use the fabled technique to 'kill bill', the death scene which follows was farcical.

Still, I did appreciate the twist. Making the audience sympathize with Bill was nicely done. It was the only highlight, in my opinion, in an otherwise disappointing film.

I'm thinking about seeing Brokeback tomorrow or Match Point. I've got to be in the right frame of mind for Brokeback, otherwise I won't enjoy it.