Still looking for a house... driving from the far side of one county to the opposite side of another for work is starting to take a toll on my pocket book. I think I can handle a mortgage but don't want to over extend what monthly income I have. Maybe I can rent a room or two out..
last night was awesome... I got a chance to see Cory Morrow at the river road Icehouse after we got done tubing. afterward we hung out with some people that we met on the river that were staying in some cabins next to the bar. Stayed up till 6 am drinking beer and listening to a new friend playing guitar. Can't wait to go back.
I was supposed to tell you that a certain someone that I work with is "still interested in you". God-I feel like I am in middle school wink . Just thought I would let you know. Hope you had a nice time at "ye olde pub" today. smile
hehe, i had such a nice time that me and yer boyo will be heading over there for a pint
What happens when you lose a bet to me? You become mustachio... One of my friends lost a bet and will now be sporting a mustache for the next couple of weeks... pictures to follow soon.
Haha, it was a guy but he still looked ridiculous.. I'll put some pics up once i figure out how to get them off of my phone.
oh I totaly agree... I saw the withrawl on my bank but it was pending so I had to call and figure out who took the $ well my bank has adamated phones so I hung up like 30 times before I got what I wanted...found out it was the cell company and had to do it all over again with there system...for christ sake just let me hit a fucking button is that so hard?? and then once you get a real person they have an acsent so thick they're own mother can't understand them...and in a house with almost no service it cuts out a lot...next time somthing goes wrong with my phone I'm saving some time and shooting my slef in hte foot
Automated customer service sucks
Anybody else hate autimated answering services... i just got off a hour long call trying to get my phone service changed up. I can handle the waiting but for some reason I f'n hate trying to talk to an automated computer. Maybe it's the accent but the computer lady never understands me. Which usually gets me even more fired up...
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Just got finished helping one friend set up for their wedding and then another friend move. I took vacation from work though so I should get some downtime tommorrow morning. Then it's off to the wedding tommorrow evening. I've been trying to learn Spanish over the last month but I'm not picking it up as fast as I thought. I guess 30 min sessions on...
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Off to the lake for another bachelor party. One of my friends from the fire academy is getting maried in a couple weeks. Should be a good weekend of fishing and gambling.
Thunderstorms in Texas
Something about thunderstorms just gets me. I don't know if it has something to do with being born during one or what. (The power went out while my mom was in labor) The creek behind my house is swollen, its up a little over 10 feet. And I had to help a buddy with his moving company today... I still wonder...
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Didn't start interacting in the group until recently. hell for about six months I could only access the internet through work computers and they tend to frown on nudity for some reason.
Now you have a friend-Matt told me you dsicovered me here somehow so I thought I would investigate and say hi! tongue
Will be flying to Vegas thursday for the weekend. We've got close to thirty people that are heading there. We'll be staying at the MGM Grand. I'll should have plenty of pics when I get Back. Anybody in that area ought to give me a shout. A friend gave me a program that supposedly is a system to win at roulette... that's right...
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First Post
I guess after being a member for a year I can start adding journal entries. For some reason I find it difficult to put thoughts on paper. Most of the stuff that goes on in my life revolves around work(three jobs). I've been hearing lately about people losing jobs because of blog entries involving their careers. That's the last thing I want...
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