I know, I know I don't blog very much! I just wanted to wish all my SG friends, along with all the beautiful SG girls a wonderful and safe new years. May all your hopes and dreams come true in 2010!

Aww, thank you! smile
I wish I knew what the hell to write in this little box lol! Seems like I never have time to think for myself anymore, and this all this project does is consume my life. Sad isn't it??
I really apreaciate your sweet comment in my set smile
It's kind of hard making a living in the construction industry when all it does is constantly rain! I've been here 6 months in Chattanooga and all I've seen is rain.......Does the sun ever shine for more than two days straight in this f'ing city????????
Thank you for commenting on my Chillax MR set! biggrin

Oh, and the speedo profile pic is brilliant! haha
I am so tired of traveling and being away from home. It seems like I have spent the last 5 years working non stop, and for what? I can't enjoy life! I want to go home, wake up in my own bed with a warm body, ride when I want to, cook my own food and maybe pick up a new hobby.